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120ED for solar


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As mentioned in the solar section, I recently picked up a very nice 120ED from ABS. It is in lovely condition, complete with case and all accessories.

I mainly got it to use for Ha solar with my incoming Quark, but gave it a go on Friday night on a few targets to try it out, and it is now giving me some amazing white light views with the Lunt wedge.

The Astro performance seems excellent, very little or no CA, sharp stars and lovely contrast. It is much more manageable than the Vixen so could become a great option when the Vixen is too much. Still too big to take away, and the case is huge!!

I need to have a careful think about my 106mm triplet now though. It is a gorgeous scope but gets little use these days as I either choose the Vixen at home, or one of the smaller scopes. Being a triplet it is heavier than the doublets, although it gives cracking Widefield views.

Anyway, the 120 proved excellent on doubles, gave gorgeous views of the DC and even picked up M81/82 under very average skies with surprising clarity. Very promising.

The focuser is very solid with huge travel, but is quite lumpy on the coarse focusing. The fine focus is smooth though. Perhaps a Moonlite is in order if I keep it.

On solar, the additional resolution is clear immediately. Such incredible detail in the active regions, granulation and faculae really clear. It is like the TV85 but more so!!

So, very pleased so far. Can wait for the Quark.




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Stu, there really is no hope for you, what a collection you are getting :grin: but lovely scope

I know Jules, it is a hideous affliction!! I think I'm back up to nine now after having got it back under control a while ago :-(

Will have a good go with them all over the winter then see which can be moved on!

Currently I have these fracs!!

Tak FS-60C

Tak FC-76DC



Astrotech 106 EDT

SW 120ED

Vixen 150ED

Of course there is a 'totally justifiable reason' for having each of them...... ;-)

I can feel a family photo coming on!


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Congrations on the new acquisition! Looking forward to hearing your reports.

I got mine more or less blindly followed John's example (the refrac man :smiley:  ), very happy with it, optically, weight, size and cost are just right for me.

BTW, maybe it's high time for you to find a more suitable username :grin:

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Good buy Stu :smiley:

I think the Skywatcher / Synta ED's are cracking scopes as I've often said. I find the ED120 very manageable and yet capable of delivering seriously good performance on the planets, moon and double stars especially. Mine does have a Moonlite, albeit an older model. The cool down time is likely to be a little quicker than a triplet too I'd have thought.

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BigMak. I still have not purchased a Quark yet. However i got to view the sun with various apertures corlandos and Lunts, 50mm, 60mm, 80 and 120, the 120 was a lot better. The resolution and detail was amazing xD. Tho i did not manage to try a Quark! But the Lunt owner told me he prefers and recommends the Quark he recently purchased.

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With the

Giro-WR/AT413 mount not too much excessive vibrations?



Paul, this setup is really only for my TV85 and below, it is not really designed to take the 120, and certainly needs the counterweight bar and weight to be smooth. Plenty of vibration so I wouldn't recommend it. Fine for an ED80 though


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120ED an excellent scope, absolutely love it, especially when used with quality eyepieces.


One of the reviews I read was a little negative about the quality of the 120ED, but ultimately it turned out that it was the supplied diagonal which was causing issues.

I used it with the 2" Zeiss prism and BGO's plus a 24mm Panoptic, all seemed very sharp

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Good buy Stu :smiley:

I think the Skywatcher / Synta ED's are cracking scopes as I've often said. I find the ED120 very manageable and yet capable of delivering seriously good performance on the planets, moon and double stars especially. Mine does have a Moonlite, albeit an older model. The cool down time is likely to be a little quicker than a triplet too I'd have thought.

Thanks John. I shall, in part, blame you for this purchase ;-)

It seems a cracking scope in terms of performance vs size. I was surprised how much smaller than the Vixen it is, but I guess f7.5 120 vs f9 150 is going to make a difference.

I do think I will get a Moonlite on it, need to decide whether to stick with black or go red :-)


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Looking good Stu.

I must invest in some of those winged eye cups for the BGOs. especially useful for solar I expect?

They are quite good, particularly for solar. I got this one with a 12.5 Microguide ep but it fits the BGO's perfectly. It certainly helps cut out stray light.

I think 365 Astronomy do them...

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Another nice purchase Stu. You really like your refractors :smiley:

I am still thinking about the Quark - I was going to upgrade the PST to the Lunt 50 but I think I have changed my mind.

I would love to see these different Ha scopes side by side but I should appreciate that a quality refractor is going to produce a better visually image with the Quark.

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Thanks Mark. I do seem to have a weakness.....

Hopefully by mid week I will be in possession of a Quark and will be able to give it a go fairly soon.

I will have to do a 'from memory' comparison with the PST, but even the Tak 60 should be an improvement. The 120 promises to be quite something!

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You know I love the optics in those SW ED120's Stu! They are just about right for virtually everything - and at a great price-point too - especially if bought used-but-loved.

Speaking of Quarks, there will definitely be one in my future too, but I'm waiting for the 2x or 0x Chromosphere model (next spring allegedly).

Enjoy that new scope! Hope it fits into the little family there ok with no squabbles!


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Which Quark are you getting Stu, the prominence one or the surface features one ?.

Both perhaps ?

:-p ;-), I wish!

I've gone for the Chromosphere one John, which I hope I don't regret. My understanding is that you can still see all the features in both, but the prominences will be less bright in the chromosphere version. I'm assuming/hoping that with a 120mm scope I should still see plenty. That's the theory anyway.

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You know I love the optics in those SW ED120's Stu! They are just about right for virtually everything - and at a great price-point too - especially if bought used-but-loved.

Speaking of Quarks, there will definitely be one in my future too, but I'm waiting for the 2x or 0x Chromosphere model (next spring allegedly).

Enjoy that new scope! Hope it fits into the little family there ok with no squabbles!


Yes, I had read of your experiences too Ant. My was definitely used but loved, it's in great nick. Just gave the optics a gentle clean and it's all perfect except for that slightly lumpy focuser.

I hadn't heard of the x0 Quark? I knew of the x2 but I think the x4.2 will be fine, higher mag views will be quite something I think, plus I can get full disk in the Tak 60

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