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Sh2-112 in bi colour


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This is faint for sure. I've been surprised at the amount of data this has soaked up. I rather fancy looking at this with a longer focal length at some stage as there's some interesting structures in the central nebula.

This has ended up as a bi colour version, purely due to our awful weather that we are having at the moment.


M: Avalon Linear Fast Reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: QSI690-wsg with 3nm Ha and OIII filters

25x1800s Ha

20x1800s OIII

22 hours and 30 minutes total exposure time.


There's a larger version here if you'd like to see it http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/sh2-112_bicolour.jpg

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Great image yet again, Sara. You've nearly SWager palletted the whole sky now, haven't you?!

I'm sorry to hear that the C9.25 has left the stable. Not surprised though. Good luck finding the replacement, I will follow that story with interest.

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