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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Guys...I know these are Rubbish but I wanted to upload them here as they will serve as a record of my first attempt at astrophotography early this morning with my Canon 5D on a tripod, the blurry one is at 40mm and the wide view at 22mm focal length, each for about 15 secs, I do have a question though, I messed around with the focus on my lens and got a defocussed image, but the colours of the individual stars show clearer, can anyone offer me a clue as to why? just as a matter of interest really. in particular the 'kids' in auriga at the bottom of the shot, Cassiopeia can be seen top left. oh and how do I start another line in the forum posts without having to type right to the end of the box, i'm a newbie as of today and need to know these things lol.



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Here's my first DSO. If you squint and stand 10ft from the monitor it looks ok. Took it not long after I did the SC1 mod on the SPC 900NC.


(click to enlarge)


It does look very pretty when you stand back from the monitor, something I might like to see hanging on a wall in a space gallery :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first real attempt at a DSO.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/94624506@N05/9644441540/" title="Andromeda Galaxy (M31) by rokushakubo, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3728/9644441540_dcb9fb803c_o.jpg" width="1024" height="682" alt="Andromeda Galaxy (M31)"></a>

It's the centre of the Andromeda Galaxy, taken through my Celestron C6-SGT, prime focus on a Canon EOS 1100D with a 2x Barlow lens (because I hadn't figured out how to detach the Barlow at this point...).  It was a stack of 23x 30 second exposures at ISO 3200, with 11x darks.

I recently bought the equipment to attach my camera directly to my CG5 mount and it's made a huge difference!  The Andromeda Galaxy has always been a favourite of mine and here's my first attempt using my 300mm camera lens:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/94624506@N05/9718115757/" title="M31 Andromeda Galaxy by rokushakubo, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7379/9718115757_47d24a4c00_o.jpg" width="1024" height="658" alt="M31 Andromeda Galaxy"></a>

11x 2min exposures, ISO400, 300mm, f/5.6, 5x darks.

The following is a second attempt at processing the same files, this time doing most of the processing in DeepSkyStacker before tidying up in Photoshop:

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/94624506@N05/9718266517/" title="M31 Andromeda Galaxy by rokushakubo, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5527/9718266517_228a494922_o.jpg" width="1024" height="682" alt="M31 Andromeda Galaxy"></a>

This last image is my 2nd attempt at photographing M31, this time with 62x 30 second exposures at ISO1600, 300mm, f/5.6, with 24x darks.

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/94624506@N05/9752685462/" title="M31 Andromeda Galaxy by rokushakubo, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7418/9752685462_bc6bba7c1d_o.jpg" width="1024" height="682" alt="M31 Andromeda Galaxy"></a>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, here's my first effort, rather poor compared to the standard of some of the photos above, but I didn't think it was too bad as the second photo I've taken with my scope, and my first effort at something deep sky!  I'd thrown the scope together quickly after the cloud suddenly cleared a couple of weeks ago, so polar alignment was almost non existent and the longest sub I could manage was 20s!  Only six subs were usable, stacked in DSS with dark frames but no flats.  Canon 400D at ISO1600 on my Tal-2M.

M31 - quick snap!

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Okay, here's my first effort, rather poor compared to the standard of some of the photos above, but I didn't think it was too bad as the second photo I've taken with my scope, and my first effort at something deep sky!  I'd thrown the scope together quickly after the cloud suddenly cleared a couple of weeks ago, so polar alignment was almost non existent and the longest sub I could manage was 20s!  Only six subs were usable, stacked in DSS with dark frames but no flats.  Canon 400D at ISO1600 on my Tal-2M.


 Thats pretty cool Ian, although you seem to have made a common mistake that I'm quite often guilty of. short on time so I rush focus :(. No matter what, get the focus right or the rest will suffer. It's a steep learning curve hey, but a cracking start none the less :D.

Edited by auspom
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 Thats pretty cool Ian, although you seem to have made a common mistake that I'm quite often guilty of. short on time so I rush focus :(. No matter what, get the focus right or the rest will suffer. It's a steep learning curve hey, but a cracking start none the less :D.

Thanks, Scott, you're quite right about rushing the focus, at least I've learnt that one early on  :laugh: .  The more I read the steeper the learning curve seems to get, but I like a challenge!  Now, if only we had some clear skies...

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Last night I saw my first galaxy, M31! I was so giddy about actually finding and seeing it that I rushed things when it came to taing the picture. That, and I had to rush it because dawn was upon me. It's a wide shot, but it is the first time I've ever captured a DSO on camera, as far as I know at least.


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Hello everyone! Only just took this at the weekend - and have also posted it in the beginners imaging forum so sorry if you're seeing it for the second time. I have no idea why I have never though to turn my camera to the sky before but it will be happening more frequently from no on! Absolutely delighted to have found a new hobby, can't wait for the next clear night.

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All the way back from the 5th of December last year. Part of M45 afocally with the same gear I'm using now (Canon Powershot A610, Hyperion EP's) only the scope is my WO ZS110 not my C8N. I always work on the theory that if you don't post your pics, then no-one's going to give you advice on how to improve them.

Anyways, 13 shots, 15 seconds each stacked in Registax.


(click to enlarge)


Hi Tony,

Just wondering how you setup  your camera with the scope. I also have a Powershot, it's a powershot 260, so possibly similar. Just wondering how a non-slr setup works for you...

Great photos by the way! My camera also only has 15 second max exposure.

Thanks a million,


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Hi. My mount was not very well aligned to be honest and I've been given some excellent advice on how to do tho more accurately.

I have a feeling,however, that the star trailing may be a result of the Meade software not stacking the images accurately either. As you say, it is a little surprising with such short exposure times.

Thanks for your interest in my image, much appreciated!

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fantastic effort Robert, i'd have [removed word] my pants when that came up on the screen knowing it was me who took it.....well done!


I've been desperately trying to get a nebula shot for a few days, i've been working my way around the sky and now know some constellations from sight now so it will help in the future. Thankyou :)

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Not my first, but i'd say its my first proper (ish) attempt now that i have the clock drive.
Taken last weekend from the heart of Edinburgh using an LP filter through SW 200PDS and modified Canon 450D - no stacking but added some spikes on PS to make it cuter :)

I think it's the M103 near cassiopeia but im not entirely sure, my straight finder was killing my neck! Perhaps some can confirm?

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a stunning shot Kay, I liked it when I saw the thumbnail, then I opened it full size and indeed it is very pretty with the colours and star spikes.

are the star colours real or did you add the colour?


real colours mate, i got surprised too when first saw it in pc. must be because the camera is now modded for full spectrum

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