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Let's see your 1st DSOs


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First ever attempt taken February 2011, 6 or 7 frames stacked (somehow) in Registax (which I no longer use, trying to master MaximDL). Used Canon 30D with eyepiece projection on a Konus 120mm refractor (was unable to shoot at prime focus at the time due to equipment restrictions).

Yeah should have mentioned it is supposed to be M42 :)

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These are my first DSO's taken last night with my new 200P DS, NEQ6 and 1000D. I could only get 25s exposures as I cant get it aligned properly yet. Each one is around 5 min exposure time. I think there's a lot more data there but I don't know to process them yet, I have alot to learn.







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Thank you very much. I wish I could polar align this mount properly its still a mystery to me and it goes dark so late now there's not enough time to mess about with it, I want to spend as much time as I can looking and taking images.

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WOW! Those are amazing :) you've done yourself proud there. Fantastic work given the current sky brightness & also being new to what is quite a complex hobby. Is your 1000D modified Mike?

Edited by IvanT
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Its not modified yet, but I do plan on taking the filter out this week as I bought it just for astrophotography. I might even stick a peltier on the cmos chip but not sure about that yet.

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You don't hang about do you :-)

Did you just follow the you tube video? I want to do mine but don't have the toy dolls.

Was it simply a dismantle, cut out top filter, reassemble job or was it more complex than that?

Sent from my samsung galaxy s

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You don't hang about do you :-)

Was it simply a dismantle, cut out top filter, reassemble job or was it more complex than that?

Sent from my samsung galaxy s

Yes it was that simple, I had 2 screws left over though :)

I followed this guide: Canon Digital Rebel XSi (450D), XS (1000D), T1i (500D) , T2i (550D), T3 (1100D) Modification Instructions - Removal of IR Cut Filter for Astrophotography & Infrared Imaging - by Gary Honis

Next week I might try making a peltier cooling system for it, there should be enough room for an aluminum strip to run from the cmos to outside the camera.

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I'd be really interested in hearing how you get on with the peltier cooling system. If you decide to do it, maybe a step by step with images to lets us know how you get on?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this thread has been going on for quite a while, so here is my little contribution with my very first DSO object taken in August 2009. It's Andromeda galaxy. I had only just bought my heq5 goto mount, I still didn't have a telescope back then (I had to save and wait another year for my gorgeous mak-newt). The picture was taken with a Nikon D80, a Sigma 70-200 f2.8 lens and a Sigma 2x teleconverter. I can't quite remember, but I think I took 10 raw exposures, 1600iso, 60sec each, and mixed/averaged out in the camera with no pc post-processing. The goto mount found the object for me, I hadn't the faintest idea where m31 was!:):) I even had a lot of trouble doing a 3-star alignment because the only star I knew was Betelgeuse:o:o

I must point out that this first result had a fair bit of beginner's luck. My following attempts were far far worse, very frustrating too.


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M42, my first (and so far, only) DSO.

Two hours after buying my Canon 550D. I Did not know the menus, and had not yet read the manual. Just plopped the Astronomik CLS filter in, stuck it on my C8 CGEM (bought just the week before!) and clicked away.

It's definitely a "first time" effort, but I still consider this the best picture (not just astro) I've ever taken in my life.

Well, the most satisfying anyway, especially having been taken from downtown Montreal (see my avatar picture, I'm right in the middle of all that light!), on a balcony shaking with every passing car below!

Single exposure, around 20 or 30 seconds (really not sure, as I fiddled this way and that), and I have no idea what the ISO or F stop was!

Enlarged, and processed on Photoshop afterwards for Levels and Saturation, but not much.


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  • 2 weeks later...

well since i got my scope its weve not had the best weather,last night i at 21.30 i opened my back door and could see the moon,so i thought i'd have a go at imaging it,as it was still quite light outside i just stood my scope in front room and shot it out the doorway,this is the first time ive used my skwatcher 102 goto scope with a PHILIPS SPC900NC 880 :)

Capture 07_07_2011 21_49_05 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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thanks,it was just a quick 30 second avi just to test it out i'm a bit inpatient lol hopefully the weather clears soon so i can get to grips with it all,ive just made my own solar filter using baader solar film so i'm gonna give that ago aswell.ive only used the scope once and i'm already planning to buy my next one:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As I now have something to be proud of I can share my first few too.

M13 and M27, both are around an hour worth of 30 second exposures with darks, bias and flats.



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As I now have something to be proud of I can share my first few too.

Very nice images, but the title of the thread is "first DSOs" :-)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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