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Very first attempts at the ringed Planet


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Freezing my doo-daa's was worth it I think, though the wife may think otherwise, didn't get to bed while 3:45a.m. Mind you it'll be the same the same tonight by the looks of things :D

So here's the first, SP900C at prime


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one with 2x Barlow


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And finally being cheeky with a 5x barlow


(click to enlarge)

All comments will be welcome, especially re processing( though the tend to better on my screen than here :D


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Thanks for the comments chaps. I'm surprised I got anything last night, had areal catalogue of silly mistakes that would have been enough to send me to bed any other occasion. Inputted the wrong date and this lead to all sorts of horrors re aligning but once I had it sorted, slew over to Saturn only to find that I hadn't given myself enough clearance from the house and the scope just pointed at the back wall, DOH :D

Given it was a cracking night, I decided to break it all down and hump it thru the house to the front and set up . No alignment possible there cos house obscures Polaris so I just had to guess with aid of a compass. So I guess I didn't get started whilst 1 to 1:30 a.m.

Very surprised at how little drift I was getting in the FOV hence the reason for chancing the 5x :laugh:

Anyway, got loads of practice last night and ideas for tonight ! And a bagful of pics.

No Sam, I don't mind you having a go at the last pic, I got similar results myself later today.I have to say I'm fond of one or two of the primes and 2x where the Cas.d and bands show up.

Look fwd to more tonight plus another attempt at mosaic'ing the Moon.

Karlo :D:lol:

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He-he. I brightened it a bit more,de-speckled it,desaturated it,applied auto colour and auto contrast to it. Poor thing! Must be feeling abused!

A bit more detailed work and that could turn out to be a very fine image indeed. I think you have a bit of every thing there. Ring gaps,ring shadow and banding on the planet. When I have more time I'd like to attack it again,if you don't mind.



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He-he. I brightened it a bit more,de-speckled it,desaturated it,applied auto colour and auto contrast to it. Poor thing! Must be feeling abused!

A bit more detailed work and that could turn out to be a very fine image indeed. I think you have a bit of every thing there. Ring gaps,ring shadow and banding on the planet. When I have more time I'd like to attack it again,if you don't mind.



(click as usual)

I do not mind in the least CW, in fact I'm keen to see just what you manage to tweak out of that. So please go ahead.


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I'll try that Jonathon, but stupidly I've deleted the avi's (thinking I'd got the best results) so gonna have to wait for the next chance. Have to say I'm very pleased and surprised re the SmartAstronomy 5x performance. I've you to thank for the consideration KK, re using it purely for the avi's. Bargain !!

Last night was pants ! look fwd to 2nite ,


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