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Hello everybody from Chester


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I'm hoping this is going to be a long and happy stay on this forum.

A bit about myself - Although I was keen on Astronomy in my teens, unfortunately, it was rather taken over by wine women and song so really, I'm best considering myself as a beginner. I have occasionally ventured outside when there's been something spectacular to watch but otherwise the hobby all but died when I met my future wife when I was 17. Now nearly 47 at the time of this posting, I though it was about time I got back into this wonderful hobby and gave myself a bit of time. My 15 year old son also seems like he might be interested in joining me for a bit of star gazing. I also have an 18 year old daughter studying Environmental Science at Birmingham University. I've been married for 26 years and my long suffering wife will be glad to see me go out in the garden at night as it means she can get to watch what she wants on TV :D

So until now all I've had is a very small refracting zoom telescope (maximun (35x I think) which really was better suited to bird watching than gazing at the sky. However, I've just pursuaded my wife to get me a new telescope - money is tight with a daughter at University so the best I could manage was a 4 1/2" reflector with german mount - it's a Celestron Firstscope 114 Compact with motor drive. Everything I read seems to suggest this is a pretty decent telescope for it's price and it's weakest point would appear to be the supplied Eye pieces. I only assembled it yesterday and have a very steep learning curve to work out how to use it and get the best out of it.

For the moment I'll be happy to just get used to using the scope and re-learning my way round the sky. Who knows where the hobby will take me in the future though - I would like to get involved in Astrophotography when the budget allows but that won't be for a while yet I think.

I hope the regular members here won't mind me posting idiotic questions to start with - I will of course look for the answers on the forum first, but as a senior member on a computer forum I know that this doesn't always happen or subjects get repeated.

Although this is merely a "hello" thread, if anyone reading it has any good advice for an "almost" beginner struggling with the technology I'd be grateful to hear it.



BTW - Why Sparrow for my name? - because as a child I was told I had Sparrow's kneecaps - it's stuck ever since and let's face it - there's a lot worse things I could be called. :D

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Thanks for that Dave - I've already had a few enjoyable hours looking through the forum and various links I've found - especially the one on setting up an Equatorial mount - http://www.themcdonalds.net/richard/astro/writings/setupEquatorial.shtml

Extremely useful and makes simple what I spent hours yesterday trying to figure out :D - I'm beginning to realise what a mistake it was not to keep this hobby up for all these years. - Never mind, have to make up for it now.



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Welcome to SGL John. There is no doubt you will enjoy this place, it's friendly, informal, and a great source of information for those who need help. If you pose a question, you will get more than one responder I can assure you.

You will get plenty out of the 4.5" scope, as many objects are within it's capability. I hope your son continues to show interest too, It's a great activity to get involved in, and there is no reason why he too shouln't join the forum.

Best Wishes.


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Thanks everyone for your kind words - I thoght I'd just see if there were any further responses and couldn't believe so many had welcomed me - certainly makes me feel welcome.

marvo (Dave) - we are close - I was born in Mancot and lived on Wepre Park for the first 6 months of my life - My dad taught at Sealand County Primary School for many years until he retired in about 1985. - Early days I know but maybe in time we could put our heads together or even meet up for a mini Star Party - Need to learn how to use my scope first though :D



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Thanks everyone for your kind words - I thoght I'd just see if there were any further responses and couldn't believe so many had welcomed me - certainly makes me feel welcome.

marvo (Dave) - we are close - I was born in Mancot and lived on Wepre Park for the first 6 months of my life - My dad taught at Sealand County Primary School for many years until he retired in about 1985. - Early days I know but maybe in time we could put our heads together or even meet up for a mini Star Party - Need to learn how to use my scope first though :D




I lived in Sealand in my youth and went to Sealand CP back in the sixties left in 1970. Who knows your Dad may have given me my first detention. What is his name.

I am no expert myself John but if you need any help give me a shout anytime and I will be happy to put our heads together.



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Dave - you almost certainly will have known my father then - William Mellor - he tought top juniors and was the Deputy Head. Apparently he was known for his squeeky shoes (early warning down that long wooden corridor, and he was quite "gruff" (not a bit like he was at home - he was soft as soap and a great dad). I used to love going there for the Christmas productions and the Christmas fair - because I was taught in England, our holidays were somteimes different so I would go in to school with him for the day - I remember the first time I sat in his class and heard his "teaching" voice he scared me to death :D That would have been in the 60's/early 70s (I was born in 1961).

Anyway - back on astronomy - woke at 5am this morning and saw that it was clear outside so got dressed and went out with the new scope - Got some good views of Saturn - spent quite a while getting the motor drive set at the right speed - Saturn was going backwards and forwards in the view like a yoyo until I got it set right. Went back out at about 7am to view Venus and Jupiter - bit dissapointing but I think there was dew on the mirror from bringing it back in the house earlier. - From looking at the charts, Jupiter should be better in a few months time.

It would be good to get together sometime to compare notes - I can't believe how much I've forgotten since my youth - I used to be able to navigate round the sky quite well - this morning I was struggling to work out which stars were which without having to keep coming in and looking at the charts on the computer.

Still - at least I've had chance to try out the scope and I am pleased with it - I wasn't expecting Hubble like images which I think appears to be a common mistake. i'm really looking forward to the moon reappearing - that was something I always enjoyed viewing and never get tired of it.



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Dave - you almost certainly will have known my father then - William Mellor - he tought top juniors and was the Deputy Head. Apparently he was known for his squeeky shoes (early warning down that long wooden corridor, and he was quite "gruff" (not a bit like he was at home - he was soft as soap and a great dad). I used to love going there for the Christmas productions and the Christmas fair - because I was taught in England, our holidays were somteimes different so I would go in to school with him for the day - I remember the first time I sat in his class and heard his "teaching" voice he scared me to death :D That would have been in the 60's/early 70s (I was born in 1961).

Anyway - back on astronomy - woke at 5am this morning and saw that it was clear outside so got dressed and went out with the new scope - Got some good views of Saturn - spent quite a while getting the motor drive set at the right speed - Saturn was going backwards and forwards in the view like a yoyo until I got it set right. Went back out at about 7am to view Venus and Jupiter - bit dissapointing but I think there was dew on the mirror from bringing it back in the house earlier. - From looking at the charts, Jupiter should be better in a few months time.

It would be good to get together sometime to compare notes - I can't believe how much I've forgotten since my youth - I used to be able to navigate round the sky quite well - this morning I was struggling to work out which stars were which without having to keep coming in and looking at the charts on the computer.

Still - at least I've had chance to try out the scope and I am pleased with it - I wasn't expecting Hubble like images which I think appears to be a common mistake. i'm really looking forward to the moon reappearing - that was something I always enjoyed viewing and never get tired of it.



Hi John I've just sent you a PM


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Hi John,

You sound like me... though I'm ten years your junior and have a 15 yr old son. :D

Daughters however are still in Primary school.

My other half doesn't really agree nor disagree with my re-found hobby, she watches all the soaps regardless of where I am.

So far the comments I've had are "Do I have to invite strangers to the house, you don't know anything about them" LOL

and on my impending visit to the district Astronomy club I get "more wierdo's and anoraks"

Oh well... at least it's getting up her nose a little if anything :lol:

It's a pitty I'm working when the Astrofest is on in London, I'd have loved to spring that on her :D

Anyway, I'm about 50 miles from you Dave nr Blackpool/Preston, though I do get down by Chester now and then for work.

Was in the Town Hall last October working, and sometimes get into the Grosvenor on Eastgate. I also often pass by enroute to Soughton Hall and Peckforton Castle.

One day I might just find room for a scope and see if the viewing is any better from a hill top in Cheshire.

Have fun Dave you'll get the hang of t soon enough, that is if you fnd a clear enough night :D

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Thanks for that Phil - Haven't been up Blackpool way for a few years now but it's certainly an area I know well from my childhood - we used to stay on a chicken farm each summer camping in Poulton le Fylde. Nice to hear that you've also revived an old hobby - It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one - If you're like me you'll also probably be regretting that you didn't keep up with it earlier - it's almost like starting from scratch after so many years. I'm hoping that I've still got some of my old stuff in the loft (star charts etc) Although I've got software with star charts, there's no substitute for good old books and paper sometimes.

I don't know exactly where you are, but if it's anything like here, light pollution is pretty bad - that's why one of the first accesories I may treat myself too is one of these pollution filters - from what I've read they are pretty good - particularly at filtering out sodium light pollution. The worst problem I had last night was I'd just popped out quickly to get a glimpse of Mars, forgot to turn the outside security lights off (they're on sensors on a short delay) They went off after about 30 seconds so that was OK, but my 2 cats like to follow me evrywhere and came out to join me with the result that they kept switching the lights on again :D. BTW - if I'm going outside I do isolate them so that they don't come on at all.

If you're working in this part of the world you'll have to call in for a coffee - message me and I'll give you my contact details (haven't posted them for obvious reasons)



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No problems :D

I'll bear that in mind though to be honest when working I tend to be on a tight schedule any spare time I get would most probably be on-site where ever that may be, so that's be City centre, or out in the sticks somewhere, such as Beeston or just over the border into Wales.

Although I have just had a renewed interest in this hobby, I've had a 4.5" EQ newt for tha past 10 years, just never got to use it much.

Watched some of the soalr eclipse with it in 99, transit of Venus, etc.. it only came out when I had remembered I owned one or there was something "big" happening.

I live very close to where you used to camp :D

I have a bit of distance light pollution thanks to a certain seaside resort, and a main road close by, however it is no way near as bad as if I lived in a town centre or on a housing estate for example.

I will take a look at these LP filters, as I imagine they'll simply reject some of the sodium and possibly mercury wavelengths, I suppose it depends on the actual Lamps used in the street lighting.. might be worth asking the local authority, this way I could almost pinpoint the wavelengths that cause my problem.

Might work for you too, I imagine the councils will purchase in or their sub contractors would purchase in a substantial qty to make it worthwhile to ask about.

Meaning the wavelengths in use should be fairly constant over time.

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Thanks for that Phil - good idea about asking the local authority - may well do that - Marvo (Dave) and I got messaging as he's just a few miles away, and he came round yesterday and has let me borrow a pollution filter, Plossl lense and 2x Barlow for me to try out before I spend any money - doesn't get better than that. Full cloud at the moment so can't try them out but the filter certainly works when aimed at a street light.

Geoff (ThePlough) - thanks for the welcome - you've heard of "born again" Christians - I suppose I'm a born again atronomer :D

By the way - I forgot to mention in my original introduction - I first got interested in astronomy in the early 70's when my dad took me to Jodrell Bank to the visitors centre - haven't been for a few years but last time I went it was certainly worth going - my Grand Parents used to live in Goostrey near to Jodrell Bank and when it was first built back in the 50's the locals regularly used to provide board and lodgings for Russians who came to visit Jodrell Bank. - Back in the Sputnik days (before my time).

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A big Welcome to the SGL forums from me

I see you seem to be right at home here already

I thought I may try to add a comment somewhat worthy of note to keep you in answering everyone mode :D All I can suggest is the name John same as my

my Father and eldest brother its quite often nicknamed to Jack and then I thought ahh Is Jack Sparrow

Welcome Aboard Capt Jack :D

Enjoy the forum mate

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Thanks Martin - "But what about the rum"? :D

So I suppose everyone's going to start calling me Capt. Jack - I can cope with that - rum is my favourite drink so it does fit well - keeps you warm on those long, dark, light polluted nights gazing up at the sodium glare :D

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