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Possible upgrade to a goto Dob


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Hi everyone! This is my first post after joining today!

I have been using a relatively cheap 4" refractor for 2 years now and have learnt and viewed so much with it in this time. I am obsessed with the skies above us and most nights I am gazing up to the heavens i aw of all the night skies beauty! I have even had a go at astro photography with excellent results of the moon and sun.

I feel now is the time to up grant to a bigger telescope with a goto mount. My budget limit is £800 and I really like Dobsonians due to large appature and low cost. I also really like the skywatcher 200p flex tube goto Dob and plan on getting one. Is this a good choice for my budget and will it be adequate for simple astro photography ie: planetary, sun and moon? I don't really need high detailed super sharp images but just like to show people what I have been viewing.

Ps stargazers lounge is amazing btw!

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Considering what you are aiming to do I would expect a 200p flextube goto dob a good choice both for visual and planetary / lunar photography. I am not speaking from direct experience as I only do visual, however a friend achieves good results on planetary photographs with just a manual dob, so the go-to version will be helpful.

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Hi and welcome.

I have a Skywatcher 250 Flex Tube Synscan dob. I am going to get rid of it soon and the reasons are:-

1. I find that it needs the collimation adjusting every time I use it if you are going to be taking any images - visually not necessary.

2. You are very restricted regarding the sort of photography that you can do because of the very limited back focus so DSLR photography is really not achievable.

On the plus side it is a light bucket and gives good views and is quite easily moved around.

I made a base for it so that I could adjust for level easily as they need to be level for the GOTO to work properly.

It was my first choice before I moved on to a SCT which gives more photo options.


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If the idea really is planets and moon now, then on to DSO's later then forget the dobsonian.

They do not work on DSO's.

Last week I think 3 people ask about DSO imaging with a dobsonian, and the answer was "You don't".

A dobsonian, goto or otherwise, is a good visual mount and scope.

Part of the problem is there is: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Moon.

How many images of those 4 do you want, and after that what are you going to image?

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Thanks for all the great advice people. At the moment I have no interest in DSO imaging as I don't really have the knowledge, equipment or money unfortunately. Plus I love to just look at DSO's visually and take in the raw beauty of them. I guess in the distant future I will have a go at DSO imaging but in the meantime I just want to see as many of these gems as possible which is why I would like to get the Dob as my refractor isn't really up to the job.

Imaging the moon and planets on the other hand is something I really enjoy doing just using a compact camera looking through the eyepiece to show people who wouldn't normally be interested, but to see their faces when they see them is amazing. This is what drives me to take more and more pictures of our solar system.

Will a 200p Dob be adequate or would the 200p flex-tube goto dob be more beneficial?

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Hello, welcome!   :smiley:

Very happy with my 200p manual, and i'm really only interested in visual. If you've no interest in AP the general advice seems to be go for the biggest aperture within your budget, leaving some spare to upgrade eyepieces + finder.

Clear skies!

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Thanks Myopicus. How does it perform viewing DSO's? With the money I will save I could use the spare cash for some high quality EPs too.

Great advice, thank you. Got a big decision to make now tho :)

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At high magnifications you will be nudging the manual a lot to keep the target in view. The GOTO removes all this hassle :) Also, if you just want to set up and go to a particular target quickly you have the option to cheat ;) It should be noted you cannot upgrade a manual to a GOTO later on as the tube fitting is different and no official upgrade kit is available.

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