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Superb Jupiter at the moment


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After my recent so-so report on my first two weeks with the Dob, this was probably my first real 'wow' moment. Beautiful view and two moons, clear a discs, doing a little close dance too. Back out when my dinner has settled!

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I was looking at this 'new' oval last night. It's impressive!


I saw that feature too Shane. It was showing strongly visually and it's nice to see an image of it :smiley:

I've been following the GRS across the disk tonight too and switching back and forth from Sirius where I'm trying to sketch the FoV with "The Pup" in it.

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Jupiter quite stunning tonight, quite right!!

I could see the 2nd oval by the GRS too. To my eyes it looked bigger tonight than the photos on your thread moonshine?

Perhaps it looks bigger visually than in the snaps?

The crescent moon was also really good before it dipped down in the east.

There was a massive sea and crater just up from the terminator.

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Well last night was a bit frustrating for me, I took the scope out of the shed and was observing by 7.30 pm, set up on Jupiter. Initially had some nice views, GRS and a glimpse of the oval feature, Then the scope started feeling the cold and the views went off so after a low mag look at Orion I left it for an hour . Was back out about nine by which time the GRS had moved off the disc, the scope still didn't seem to be up to 100% and when I defocused I could still see thermals in the tube. So another half hour tea break and back out again to find the seeing had gone down hill :confused: I did try to grab an afocal image which had some ring artefacts, that I have not encountered before,  :rolleyes: and finally the secondary fogged up. So called it a night. Here's my dodgy Jupiter shot- From 22:00



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Nice 1 Guys, I just said to the Mrs that I'll start a thread regarding Jupiter last night, I've been doing this for years and I must say that last night was one of the best i had seen her in all her majesty!!!.  Set up just about 6.00, even before dark had the scope aligned an on her - truly amazing had the bino's in and the 20mm plossls with the 1.6 barlow giving me x 224, the atmosphere here was as steady as I have seen it in ages, just after dark as well, you would think that this early in the evening the heat hadn't really had chance to rise, but very stable indeed.

First of all, the colours were amazing, the GRS was the "reddest" I have seen it, I've not had much chance to observe continuously, so a night here and a night there, but I was used to a very pale looking Spot, but last night so distinct, going off memory i think there was a white oval preceding the spot and a couple behind it in the SEB and also in the NEB, also a very thin faint belt just below the SEB behind the spot, but what amazed me the most about last night was the detail in the more temperate latitudes towards the north and South polar regions, I could pick out a couple of more spots in these latitudes, when, usually the temperate belts/zones seem to mingle into lower contrast hues.  

I even called the Mrs and my lad out to have a look, just the sheer amount of colour and detail was breathtaking.  I was probably out till about 9, the cloud then started to move in, but the views will stay with me for a while yet.  I think we have to make the most of Jupiter over the next month or two, with Mars and Saturn to come,  but much lower down in the sky, I think last nights views were ones that i had not had for a long time, just glad that I set up and made the most of the mighty Jupiter AGAIN.


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Jupiter superb, followed the transit and the 2nd oval. Then tour of the Coma cluster in LeeB's 300. Ending with some doubles in Leo and my all time favourite star

"La Superba ", hurrah !


My favourite too Nick

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Last night I managed to get out... I'd been up since 4:45am to catch a coach to London with some students from where I work finally made it back home at 20:30 and thought I just have to get the scope out. I focused on Jupiter and just looked at it for about an hour and a half. Really, really stunning! some of the best views I've had of Jupiter and really beneficial to stay on the same thing for a while just saw more and more as my eyes adjusted! Finally getting out after weeks and weeks of nothing felt like coming home!! :D

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Probably a silly question, but would I able to see much of Jupiter with my 10x50s..?

You would not see any features on Jupiter but they will show the four main moons. :smiley:  .  .    . O     .    

Too slow  :smiley:

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Ok, so I could make out Jupiter as a bright blob (with red and blue edges, oh dear). But yes, I also saw three of its moons looking like they were "hiding" behind it from the moon, they were ridiculously tiny little twinkles, really enjoyed looking at them.

Thanks again, guys ^_^

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