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well i am into astronomy from a long time (not very long :tongue: ) and i wanted to take it to the next level...... i mean astro photography . i am a total beginner to it ....any suggestions about scope to use and the other equipments necessary ? 

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Hi Astropheonix and welcome to SGL. Do you have a planned budget in mind for equipment? Astro photography can be a bottomless money pit, so it helps to have a rough idea how much you would like to outlay first. Youv certainly come to the right place though :)

Clear Skies


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Welcome to SGL  :smiley: .  It depends on what you can afford to pay for your first scope!, You get good value for money with refractor telescopes,  Some thing like a http://www.firstlightoptics.com/evostar/skywatcher-evostar-90-eq2.html for around the £150.00 mark! :smiley:,

You can mount your camera using a T Mount & adaptor  to the telescope then! :grin: .

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Hi proto star ! I am quite low on budget , secondly here in india getting a decent scope is really near to impossible. I have googled few sites though but i was left with nothin but to come and join the elites :grin: ........ i have a 3.5 inch eq reflector and i think on doing some beginner afocal astrophotgraphy! wat say?

clear skies ! :laugh:  

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Hi and welcome to SGL - As recommended getting hold of a copy of Making Every Photon Count will be a good starting place, but whether you can get it sent to India, I don't know. Certainly hold off of buying anything until you've done bags of research. Be realistic as well about what you want to achieve.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi proto star ! I am quite low on budget , secondly here in india getting a decent scope is really near to impossible. I have googled few sites though but i was left with nothin but to come and join the elites :grin: ........ i have a 3.5 inch eq reflector and i think on doing some beginner afocal astrophotgraphy! wat say?

clear skies ! :laugh:  

Iv taken quite afew afocal moon shots using my iphone mounted to the telescope. Its a great way to get started :)

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