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New scope testing, Carbon Serrurier truss 10" f4 Newtonian.


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This is just a few simple shots to test this thing out that I've made. I only have a small 50mm secondary in there for now but i have an Antares Optics 88mm secondary on order.

The primary is also just a GSO 10" f4 but soon there will be a Royce conical 10" f4 mirror in there.

I'm hoping this is my cheap way out of buying a Orion optics or ASA astrograph. Not the same but a lot cheaper!

Both shots done with a big moon.

A few stars. There is a small issue with collimation at the top left. But in all collimation seems very easy to sort and very stable.

5 x 120sec/colour
Baader RGB 1.25" filters
Atik 383L+ mono camera,
TS filter drawer,
Carbon Serrurier truss Newtonian 10" f4
Celestron CGE mount,
Stacked in DSS and processed in PixInsight.

Ful size here http://www.flickr.com/photos/46302893@N02/12583487483/sizes/o/in/photostream/

Stars by Raymond Collecutt, on Flickr

Simple HA shot of Orion.

5 x 4min HA subs.

Baader RGB 1.25" filters
Atik 383L+ mono camera,
TS filter drawer,
Carbon Serrurier truss Newtonian 10" f4
Celestron CGE mount,
Stacked in DSS and processed in PixInsight.

Full size http://www.flickr.com/photos/46302893@N02/12454722544/sizes/o/in/photostream/

First test of new scope. by Raymond Collecutt, on Flickr

And a shot of the scope. In this photo there is an 88mm secondary in there but it's a GSO one with a very bad astigmatism and it's only good as a face mirror for the misses.

There is a few more pics in this thread.

IMG_9144 by Raymond Collecutt, on Flickr

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Thanks everyone. I can't wait for the larger secondary to turn up so i can put some real effort in.

I'm very pleased with the star shapes so far for an f4 scope.

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No i havn't done anything on here about the OAG. It just uses one of the small mirrors out of and old spare dslr. It works very well giving perfect pin point stars and i've never not found a star to use.

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