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I know that after 250 posts members can edit topics but can they also delete them? Last night I replied to a topic and then needed to reply again. Having typed this second response I got a pop up saying "you are not authorised to reply to this topic" and then the topic completely disappeared from the forum and from my content. First time I have seen this, can someone enlighten me?

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Nope, no one can delete posts / threads except mods.

You may find that the thread was removed - this can be for a number of reasons. Send me a note and let me know which thread and I'll try and find out. 



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:grin:  must be the same topic I have replied to as well.

I thought I had a senior moment when I tried to see it again today.

Not that I am bothered (it was just a rant by someone - nothing important) but for a minute I started doubting myself...

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Yet another thread has bitten the dust today... and whilst I have no problem at all with accepting it, I sometimes wonder whether it wouldn't be better to just lock contentious threads rather than delete them?

Leaving the thread closed with a final message saying something like "this thread is now closed, because....." would perhaps serve as a warning and example far better than just deleting it?

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It doesn't really matter which thread it was - I am more interested in the way that they disappear from the face of the earth.

I think that the "villains" and their "deeds" should be left as a record of their behaviour?

ps I don't know "...something about Neptune and Uranus..." thread, so it must clearly have been another one?

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I imagine that threads that qualify for locking are ones which the content has descended into territory which is against part of the CoC, whereas threads that qualify for deletion start by being against part of the CoC.

AFAIK, threads posted in the Suggestions forum are only available for the OP and Mods / Admins to see.

HTH :)

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I imagine that threads that qualify for locking are ones which the content has descended into territory which is against part of the CoC, whereas threads that qualify for deletion start by being against part of the CoC.

AFAIK, threads posted in the Suggestions forum are only available for the OP and Mods / Admins to see.

HTH :)

Why guess or imagine instead of waiting for those who know the answer?

and your guess btw is incorrect - the thread that got me thinking about this question was allowed to carry on for quite a long time (albeit with repeated warnings about keeping it within the rules), before it was deleted, so no it didn't "...start by being against part of the CoC..."

Usually we will lock threads and keep them where they are, however, occasionally we deem the threads not to be in the interest of SGLs reputation therefore they get moved off board.

Thanks for the explanation Digz - understand.

Up to you guys, how you run your forum.

I think it would be better to lock, but never delete, but this is just my opinion.

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The the thread i was referring to had a irate member who didn't like the answers given to him as i didn't follow the thread as i could see it looked like it was getting out of hand i presumed that was the thread that was removed i made a mistake woopsy doo.

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Sometimes threads are locked as the original question has been answered but they are degenerating into a slanging match.

Sometimes threads are locked and removed, if the majority of the thread is good read and astronomy related, we may edited them removing all the off topic and all bitchy comments and put the thread back.

Other times we just remove the thread and really we have no inclination to edit and put back. It is rare for a removed thread in the off topic areas to be edited and put back.

I really mean this next comment to not be aggressive or adversarial but I'm just going to say it.

SGL may not be everyone's cup of tea, you may not like the layout, the sections, you may not like the way we moderate, the CoC, or maybe you just don't like me or one of the other admin. However this is how we want to run the forum and we think that on the whole we get it right far more than we get it wrong. We have a great community here and we will fight to keep it.

If you do not like something about SGL enough to constantly post about it and how bad we are, can I suggest that you consider joining one of the other fine astronomy forums out there. There is a list of other astronomy forums in the useful links section.

The reason that SGL is here is because I didn't like astronomy forum I was a member of. So I left and started my own forum - that was nearly 9 years ago and now we are the third biggest astronomy forum in the WORLD.



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I happen to be an owner and administrator of a completely unrelated forum and for what it is worth I think they guys here do a fatanstic job of keeping it relevant and family friendly whilst allowing a nice balance of fun and serious discussion.

The golden rule of forum moderation is to let people know that they have been moderated and the reason why. So long as that is happening and it is in the interets of the purpose of the forum and its members then all is well in the universe :wink:

As Ant alludes to, people who don't like the rules of any community have the option of spending their time somewhere else.

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Have to say it's very good here, you see the odd word in a post removed at times, but that's about it, never seen any posts removed. May just be because on certain topic titles I don't read as I won't be able to help or it is a topic that has no relevance to me.

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The the thread i was referring to had a irate member who didn't like the answers given to him as i didn't follow the thread as i could see it looked like it was getting out of hand i presumed that was the thread that was removed i made a mistake woopsy doo.

Just curious but are you referring to the Uranus and Neptune thread I made a couple of posts on. I thought it ended quite amicably and didn't see anything that might get out of hand.

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Just curious but are you referring to the Uranus and Neptune thread I made a couple of posts on. I thought it ended quite amicably and didn't see anything that might get out of hand.

No not that one

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