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Some Street lights being turned off..

Pint Of Stellar

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I think this also acts as a great precedent to allow others to petition their local/county councils to consider the same thing. This could spark a groundswell of activity/action on this topic and a good non-astro way to get the austerity measure solution across with a secondary benefit for our 'hobby'.

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That sounds great news for Worcestershire :)

I have to say i'm quite pleased with Hampshire's efforts. The new lights have made a massive difference to my skies. When they first went in they were awful, so bright you could do you gardening at 2am. But as promised they have continually eased them back to find right level that works for normal hours. And then dim them a further 25% after midnight. Obviously a complete shut off would be ideal but i'm not complaining considering the improvement already. 

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   The lights go off from mid-night untill Five in the morning in my part of Colchester.  We now have a large increase in porch

lights on all night coupled with a proliferation newly installed security lights flashing off and on.  

   So overall not a great improvement.


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   The lights go off from mid-night untill Five in the morning in my part of Colchester.  We now have a large increase in porch

lights on all night coupled with a proliferation newly installed security lights flashing off and on.  

   So overall not a great improvement.


At least WE are not paying the electricity bill of the porch lights :-)

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Up to 17,000 streetlights could be switched off across Worcestershire if county council plans are approved. According to the article, trials of switching off 2 in 3 lights has gone largely un-noticed.

It's a start for sure.

This was done in Northamptonshire a couple of years ago as part of the County Council public spending cuts. The plan was to switch off 50% of the existing lamps with a view to eventually replacing the lighting with the new 'white light' system, supposedly cheaper to run - the plan is to replace them all by 2016. I did expect to see a benefit in terms of less LP, but in reality all that seems to have happened is that the locals have compensated by fitted outside lights which are often just as bright. My immediate neighbour has even taken to keeping his rear outside light on all through the night, and this directly overlooks my garden - just what I need!


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I've kind of been lucky. 6 street lights which are visible from my rear garden have been off now for about 5 weeks. They shorted out when we had bad weather and a high tide causing the road to flood. With another set of high tides due in 3 weeks hopefully the cloud which has been a permanent fixture above my garden may have cleared off by the time the council get round to fixing them

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We have our lights switched off at midnight, 1am Friday/Saturdays so those that are drunk can see the way home.

Been like this for 12months, its what got me into this. Always get those who oppose it though claiming anarchy will descend

unless we have permanent daylight.

Reading this forum I am lucky, now how to shift this permanent layer of cloud.......?

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I live near Braintree,and very lucky to have the lights turned off at 12 midnight,also,i have a large playing field behind me,it all helps,and the neighbours for 5 houses both sides are just great for keeping there lights to a minimum.So I know i`m very fortunate,when i do any observing.

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Why not try telling your neighbour that, as you'd be outside and therefore likely to deter or detect any prowling miscreants, he could leave his light off on fine nights?

Might cost you a couple of hours and a couple of pints in the pub, but look at that as an investment.

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