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I've got binoculars!


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Good day to you all, good people of Stargazers Lounge.

Noob here, taking my first tentative steps into the world of stars and the like. I bought myself a pair of 15x70 binoculars a couple of weeks back and so far I've been in awe at the sight of Jupiter and 3 of its moons, the Orion nebula has had me swearing like a trooper, and I grin like a madman when I look at the Pleiades. Is this normal behaviour?

Thank you for your time..


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Brilliant ain't it and yes it's normal. Wait until you look though a telescope and even better a dslr and telescope. I've only just started up myself bought myself a 10" for astro imaging and all I can say is wow!! I'm betting your next upgrade will be a scope then things will really start to shine! :)

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Welcome to SGL!

Binoculars are a great introduction to astronomy, especially when getting to know the constellations. The Orion Nebula does look great through 15 x 70s, doesn't it? :)

Must admit, I do grin like a madman but the only time I feel like swearing is when the old arms ache from holding such an unwieldy set of bins! I'm hoping to make a tripod for them soon.... :)

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Hi Tim and welcome to the forum. Yes your behaviour is normal for an astronomer but to the outside world your completely barmy!  :grin: One very useful website that you might want to take a look at is this one. It has some useful information on binos and mounting them, along with a monthly suggested target list too to keep you on your toes. The book "Turn Left at Orion" is also something worth having a look at too as it lists some 100 objects that can be viewed throughout the year. The book has some great maps and written instructions on how to find all the objects and although the book might appear to be written for telescopes, many of the objects can be viewed using binoculars and they use a dedicated binocular symbol when this is possible. You might want to take a look here at some example pages.

Clear skies


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Good day to you all, good people of Stargazers Lounge.Noob here, taking my first tentative steps into the world of stars and the like. I bought myself a pair of 15x70 binoculars a couple of weeks back and so far I've been in awe at the sight of Jupiter and 3 of its moons, the Orion nebula has had me swearing like a trooper, and I grin like a madman when I look at the Pleiades. Is this normal behaviour?Thank you for your time..:)

Hi 'timothio' and welcome to SGL.

Perfectly normal! Quote 'Alien' billboard poster; "In space no one can hear you scream" - in your case; "In space no one can hear you swearing".

Do you mount your binoculars on a tripod, monopod, other?

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Hi, timothio, and a warm welcome to SGL! It sounds like you have the beginnings of a bug - other indications include a temptation to stay outside in ridiculously low temperatures, and, on cloudy/wet days/weeks/months  (delete as appropriate!). This also includes an incurable optimism resulting in spending loads of money on equipment and upgrades so that you are ready when the sky DOES clear! It sounds like you are becoming an amteur astronomer! Welcome aboard!! you are amongst friends here!!


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Many many thanks to you all for your very warm welcome. I can tell some of you are a few sandwiches short of a picnic so I'm all the more glad, its good to be around your own kind...

I'd truly love to get a big fat telescope one day, but I have no transport other than my bicycle. Its bad enough lugging around bins and tripod and stool and obligatory flask of tea, I dont think I could manage a telescope slung over my shoulder.

I went out for a quick look this evening. My usual dark site is on top of a hill, overlooking then English Channel. You get some great views. Today it was freezing cold and blowing a gale. I spent about 45 minutes there, time spent faffing: 40 minutes. Time spent actually viewing stuff: 5 minutes... But it was worth it, for this evening I caught my first little glimpse of the Andromeda galaxy, after I'd packed everything away, just before the clouds rolled in. Just a faint smudge in the sky through wobbly, wind buffered, hand held bins, but I saw it and its the furthest away thing I've ever seen. And its another galaxy! Is it an wonder I swore a little? Just gotta wait for a better evening to check it out in all its glory.

Thanks to JamesM for the links, I've got t get myself a copy of turn left at orion, seen it recommended a lot.

So I shall be having a wander through the forum, apologies if I ask any ridiculous questions, please just nudge me in the right direction...

Thanks again!



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