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Hi all, My name is David I am a 62 yr old guy who has always had a love of Astronomy, but never had the time,

now I am determined to make the time so any help and advice would be very welcome as at the moment the

more i read about buying a telescope the more confusing i find it.

I am currently looking to either a Meade LS  8" or a Celestron CPC 8"   with the eventual aim of Astro photography.

I hope it is ok to post this here I hope it isnt against the rules.

regards david 

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Hi David, welcome to the forum.

I'm no expert when it comes to imaging but you may be better looking at an EQ type mount, the mounts you are interested in are alt / az.

Maybe look at a cgem type mount with a C8 scope which is very similar to the scopes you've chosen

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   Hi David and welcome to the forums.

   Ive' been at it since being a 10 year old (now 66) and never looked back. An 8" scope is a good choice for a starter.  Be sure to check out the helpful beginner forums. They are an excellent source for people just starting out.

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HI David and welcome to the forum. If imaging is your ultimate goal with the equipment you are about to purchase, can I recommend that as part of your research that you get yourself a copy of Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count". It's a comprehensive guide on what kit you need to take the type of astro imaging that you are interested in and that will also ensure that you get good consistent results. The equatorial style mount as opposed to alt azimuth (that is included in both of your suggestions) is the preferred choice for imaging and the above book will go into much more detailed as to why that is. I don't want you to be spending good money only to be disappointed later on although either of your choices would be great for purely observing the night sky. Steve's book will provide you with sufficient overview to enable you to make a decision as to how far you want to go and the required budget to make it a reality.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum


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