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Honestly the nicest bunch of people you could wish to ( not quite) meet


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Been a member on here just a few weeks now and just wanted to express my thanks for all the help I've had from various people so far. Stargazing in general has long had a rep for being a good place to meet genuinely decent people, and thus far SGL has only reinforced that.

Keep up the good work ( ie answering my daft questions) folks and again, Thank you one and all :-)


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Hi Andrew welcome to the lounge,

I always say, here in S G L you learn something new every day,

as you learn sometimes you can give a little back, it's a pleasurable

thing to do when a question comes up, that you can answer, because

then you know how good this forum is, you gained that knowledge here,

that's the best thing, everyone keeps learning from everyone else, I too

am very grateful to everyone here in S G L, especially the guys and gals

who help to run and keep this forum in top form, well done to them.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's 

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Thanks for your appreciation of the place and is ultimately as a result of everyone wanting to to share their knowledge and experiences that makes for a team effort.

Clear skies and hope you continue to enjoy it here.


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