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Hello from Manchester

I spent a year " getting into" astronomy/photography and then life got in the way and my gear has been stuck in the spare room for the last two years. Hopefully this site will help reignite this fantastic hobby.. I wouldn't class myself as a newbie but I'm definitely a beginner. I've posted 3 pics I took in my back garden in Manchester as a guide to my competence / incompetence.. Looking forward to some clear skies.

Regards. Paul




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Hi. They were taken using my first scope a skywatcher star travel 120 on the old style eq3-2 mount which I converted with a shoestring guide kit and the camera is a an eos 40d and an spc900.. I've since purchased a TS optics 90mm triplet and a Heq 5 pro which apart from playing with, I haven't really used yet..

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Hi Paul and welcome to the forum. Those images look pretty good to me and you will certainly find some friends amongst the imaging sections for sure - keep up the good work!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum


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