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Skywatcher Skyliner 200p


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 Hello everyone I am a novice at this so please excuse me if I sound `green`, I have spent the last few weeks scouring the reviews for advice on  first astronomical telescope users, I have previously only used astronomical binoculars, like Ed I have a disability but I cant leave this mortal coil without extending my views of our wonderful Cosmos, so I have decided to give the Skyliner a go, I will be ordering it this week to start the New Year lets hope our English weather allows me some clear skys, and I will be hoping you guys out there will kindly give me advice when I receive my telescope, Happy New Year stargazers everywhere

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on wanting to order a great scope because it is very good performer and very popular here - so we can't all be wrong!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum


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