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colchester newbie


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hi everyone

I have been given a celestron 114eq by my wife for Christmas after showing an interest in the night sky and im now reading posts on here and watching you tube videos to find out how to get the most out of it. I have found a group in Essex (NEAS) so they will get a call from me, but is there anyone in the Colchester area that would like to pass on their knowledge to a know nout boy of 43 who finds it hard to learn from books and finds it better to be mentored in person. my town has just made the policy of turning out all street lights after 12 oclock so things are looking up for looking up. learnt loads already from your forum so thankyou.


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welcome Barry....

It would be great if Blackpool council also knocked the lights out after midnight,,,,, but knowing the money grabbing gits they are, they would probably add a charge to our council tax for the pleasure of being able to see the skies....

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