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Home build observatory


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After first plans were rejected by my beloved, my new plans were approved today :)).

Have been avidly reading SGL posts on building your own ob and will be blatantly pinching all the best ideas too hopefully end up with something that will encourage me to use my scope more often instead of convincing myself that by the time I've set up and aligned it will be late,cloudy or too cold so time to sort this out.

Initial plans involve relocating a greenhouse and knocking down an old bike shed so lots of prep work to do but should help giving me time to plan properly. :))))

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Indeed you won't regret it, sitting in a warm room while imaging is much more enjoyable, even visually without the wind blowing on you makes it more enjoyable, also only takes a few minutes to get up and running and only a few minutes to pack away.

good luck with the build

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Best decision I ever made was to build my Obsy, it makes life so much easier (and reduces the disappointment when the good old British cloudy weather appears from nowhere)

Looking forward to your updates

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Thanks all, will post as many photos as possible hoping you might steer me in the right direction if things going wrong. Gina you build was the inspiration to have a go so any input will be appreciated. Living just outside London with houses all round has made choosing the location a bit weird, trees North and East means we are trying for a South view but means we are looking over the roof of the house so thermals may be an issue. Generally the view should be SE through to W the idea being this gives the best chance of seeing the planets and imaging them. I work in the construction industry so hoping to blag a few materials and help but am no carpenter myself. The good news is it has really encouraged my son to get into astronomy and he wants to help with the build (so free labour there then). Plan is for a 12" x 8" approx shed with warm room to the North end and a roll off roof to the south. Need to work out how to prevent the roof blocking the view to the south is the first prob.

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Best of luck. I would strongly advise checking with your local planning authority to ensure you don't need planning permission for your build. Also, if its going to be close to a boundary I would speak to your neighbours as well.

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Thanks Digz, I have spoken to the neighbour and she has no problem as there is an existing shed / bike store there at the moment and was interested in what we were proposing. As for planning again as I'm taking down an existing structure and the new one won't be any higher it shouldn't be a prob . Thanks for the advice and I will check with the planners.

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Take your time as it is a long process, so you do not want to be correcting any mistakes, just adds to the time & cost.

I started in April and it has taken me most of the year to put down the base and the pier mount and save up for my obsy.

The obsy is currently under construction in my friends workshop, I was hoping to have it up and running before Christmas but some snags with roof runners (wrong ones delivered) have put it back again.

I think it might have been the best place for it during the recent stormy weather, so I will be adding some extra tie-down features.

Good luck with your build.

Use a concrete mixer or readymix for concrete, mixing it in a barrow or on the floor will take much longer.

My build is based on this obsy - http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/105459-the-build-beginspart-1-the-pier/

Pictures of my progress so far is here - http://stargazerslounge.com/gallery/member/28193-fondofchips/

Clear Skies.


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Thanks for the advice, already changing the layout of the existing sheds/greenhouse.

Have now decided to remove the bike shed which was the middle of three buildings. Keep my toolshed in its current location and move the green house next to it. This means the obs goes on the end which clears the front for a more conventional Rory roof as a small pear tree was preventing this. Will sketch up some plans and post some pics of current layout so you can see what I mean.

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As you can see quite restricted views but SSE to W isn't to bad. It's a very tight space to work in and a lot of prep work to do which I am looking to start in the new year as this won't affect the final design of the Obs. Started models on sketch up and will post 1st revision of design soon :)

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Thanks Chris I watched your build with great interest . What dimensions did you start with it looks very tight.

My plans are for a 3'x6' ish warm room and a 9' x8' ish scope room as I enjoy observing as well so need as much room as possible.

Looking to put a very shallow pitched roof on the scope room to enable a view to the SSE as soon as stuff clears the horizon and trees

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the site is 5.50m x 2.75m (at the narrowest point where that stone wall ends). The obsy frame is 5.00m x 2.60m, add the cladding and some roof overhang. So it is very close to the fence on 3 sides. On the left hand side I can just about squeeze through still (good motivation not to gain too much weight ;) ).

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