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Hello from East Sussex and Celestron Power Tank problem

Star Baker

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Hello Star Gazers Lounge

I am very new to this and have had my NexStar 6SE for a few days now but have been unable to use it because of clouds and heavy rain but I have managed to set it up on its tripod and put the batteries, eye piece in.   I have also bought a Celestron Power Tank (the smaller one).  I decided to charge it this morning as it would appear there may be some clear sky for a few hours tonight.   I pugged it in at 08.00 but an hour ago I noticed that the green light at the top is on, which means Fully Charged.   However there is another green light at the bottom which says Ready to Use which is not on.   

The instructions that came with the Power Tank says charging on first use will take 14 to 16 hours.   I do not know whether to disconnect it from the electricity now or not as the instructions say that it could explode.

I do not know anything about electricity or batteries and I have searched on line and it would appear some other people have asked this question in the States but I don't see that they ever received an answer as to whether to disconnect it or not.  The replies were more along the lines they should have bought something else.

The instructions say the Green light at the top is Fully Charged (Off / charge cycle only) and the Green light at the bottom is Ready to use (ON / Run cycle only).  I don't know what charge cycle and run cycle mean 

I am worried it will explode while I'm making my mince pies.  I have it still plugged in at the moment.

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This might be stating the obvious but have you switched the switch from the "Charge" position to the "On" position?  This is what is inferred by charge and run cycle.

I have left mine plugged in for days and it's been fine so I don't think your mince pie making will be interrupted.

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Hello gkec

Thanks for explaining what the charge and run cycle mean.  I hadn't moved the switch from Charge but I have just done so now and when the switch is on the On position the green light came on saying Ready to Use.  I have put the switch back on to Charge and will leave it charging for a while longer until I get too worried I guess.

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I don't have one of the units you describe but if the unit doesn't have a 'smart charger', I.E. one that sences the battery is fully charged and drops onto a 'trickle' charge then I would unplug it. Even if the battery doesn't explode, you can damage the plates/cells inside which will mean that it will never recharge to its full potential again.

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Thank you for your messages of welcome.  I do not know if the Power Tank is sorted or not.   I currently have the spot light on and am waiting to see if the lights change to Needs Charging.  I have to say I'm about to give up, I don't know how instructions can say charge for 14 - 16 hours and not really mean it.  It seems so perplexing especially with mentions of explosions.

Added to this is that the first telescope delivered wouldn't work with my batteries, and I was advised that 8 rechargeable batteries didn't add up to the same (watts / volts? )as 8 ordinary batteries.  So I rushed out to buy ordinary batteries and eventually had to send the whole thing back as the hand set didn't work.   But not without hours of wondering what I was doing wrong. The new one does seem to work but now not the Power Tank.

I'm a little stressed.

The mince pies were fine, give me an oven and a recipe any day.  The only stars I'll be seeing at this rate are the ones I pipe onto my cakes.  

The forecasted few hours of clear sky for rural East Sussex seems to have disappeared so perhaps I have another day to fiddle around not really knowing what I'm doing. I might spend the time working out how to put a picture on my profile, etc. 

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Welcome to the lounge

Good to hear of another Sussex night sky enthusiast. 

Sounds like you have got some good advice on the power tank.

Some other useful stuff you should consider to try beat the weather.

- Met office weather

- Astro Panel (App) of 7Timer for online astro forecast.

- SkEye for object identification.

- Stellarium to plan your nights.


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