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hello! from a long time observer who decided it's high time he stopped observing and said hello :)

so my name is rich, and in another life i was a musician. these days i live in a field in the middle of nowhere, nearest neighbours a mile away. i spend my time playing loud guitars that nobody can hear, listening to carl sagan, watching documentaries and looking up at a sky full of stuff i didn't really notice until i moved to my field in the middle of nowhere. actually i wondered for a while if i was prone to sleep walking - more than once i've woken up in the night, the moon beaming in through the window (don't do curtains), got up, dressed, walked outside and lay on my back in a field looking up amazed at the milky way, then gone back to bed and thought nothing of it. if i'd done that whilst living in the middle of london i'm pretty sure i'd be mugged. out here it seems more natural.

anyway, cut to the chase. i'm not really a science type. i understand mess, not maths. i know pencils and paint and guitars and amps, disorder…but maybe that's why the night sky, the order of it all and the mind boggling numbers so easily blow my mind. i've come to realise i'm like a football fan who never kicked a ball, a formula1 fan who never drove a car…i have an amazing dark sky to look at, and no astronomical equipment other than my own two eyes and a pair of 15x70s. i have stellarium on my mac, i visit this forum about 10 times a day and despite normally being an impulsive spender, have spent months deliberating over which scope to kick off with...surprise surprise, every time i settle on one, i see a bigger one.

you guys probably get bored of answering the same old questions and i hate to be the newest kid on the block. i have 101 questions but guess the only thing to do is ask, ask, ask, and hope that some of you good people will take time to give me a hand.

don't worry - i won't be asking if i'm meant to look down the big end or the little end ;)



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Hi Rich and welcome to the forum. Never a problem here to answer any questions you might have and thankfully there are plenty of people here with a lot of knowledge to share. No such thing as a daft question either as we have all asked them in the past (...I still do :grin: ) the main thing is to post away under the relevant section and take it from there. We are all beginners really as there is so much stuff being discovered these days that effectively rewrites what we think we might know anyway, so you're in good company!

Clear skies, enjoy the forum and turn that amp down a bit as even I can here it now!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


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Hi Rich and welcome to the forum. Never a problem here to answer any questions you might have and thankfully there are plenty of people here with a lot of knowledge to share. No such thing as a daft question either as we have all asked them in the past (...I still do :grin: ) the main thing is to post away under the relevant section and take it from there. We are all beginners really as there is so much stuff being discovered these days that effectively rewrites what we think we might know anyway, so you're in good company!

Clear skies, enjoy the forum and turn that amp down a bit as even I can here it now!  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:


hi james, thanks for the welcome. this feels like a good place.

amps are all off and the windows have stopped rattling. promise to keep it down a bit :)



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Hi Rich welcome to the lounge,

looks like you are enjoying S G L already, choosing a scope

is the hard part, but what ever your choice is you still end up

looking at the same night sky, enjoying and appreciating what

you observe, that's what it's all about, doesn't matter what size

scope you get you will always want bigger, aperture fever gets

to us all.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Welcome to SGL Rich - A most interesting introduction! Glad that you found us, the folks on here are mega helpful and never seem to tire of answering 101 questions so you'll be fine!!! I would say pull up a chair and enjoy the ride, but it seems like you've already done that!! Your enthusiasm is almost infectious, I say almost as I never look through telescopes, they are strictly for taking pretty pictures  :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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