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First decent Jupiter with ASI120MC / 150 Mak


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Had my first decent crack at Jupiter with the new cam, must admit i'm quite pleased.

60 % of 1800 frames gain 40% brightness 8 gamma 50 fps max 640 x 480

pipp, then autostakkert, then registax wavelets, then cs5 to tweak colour / contrast


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Very nice image! Don't be afraid to take more frames you will be surprised how much more detail can be obtained.

I was all set up for another longer run, but noticed Jupiter gradually dimming ... looked up from lappy to be confronted by fog ! and I mean thick fog, I was surprised the scope saw through it :grin:

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That's a fantastic image Gary I'd be well chuffed with that. My ASI120mc got it's first light last night and is about to be used again shortly. Will have to wait until I'm home later in the week before I can process the images though...

Well done mate.


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Cheers James and Al, I'm on the lookout for a 1.6x Barlow as I think the 2.5x I have might be a bit much

I reckon it would be worth a go.  I use the 2.5x Revelation barlow with my 127 Mak and ASI120MC.  It will mean you're oversampling quite a bit, but it's worth a try.  Otherwise I'd be tempted go for a 2x rather than 1.6x I think.  I reckon I'd prefer to be around the f/24 mark than f/19.  Neither would leave you too far off the mark though.


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That's a great start with the new camera, I'm looking forward to seeing your results when you get a chance to get more data.... sadly it doesn't look like it will be tonight although it could be worse I've not had clear skies for weeks!!  :rolleyes:  :smiley:

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Cheers Stev74, it was a short run, then the mist rolled in. I'd loved to get more frames, just have wait for a good night again.

Yeah I'm still waiting as well, the weather here has been a nightmare recently worse again today.... 14 degrees Celsius (in DECEMBER!) windy and cloudy.  :rolleyes:

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