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Where can you find these?


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Apparently my patio floor is unleveled in places and with the Dob this is very noticeable. With the pillar mount it was easy to overcome this problem by adjusting the leveling bolts, which makes me wonder if I could do that to the Dobsonian base.

I found these photos and I think something like that is a perfect solution. However, I'm not sure whether this is a commercially available solution? Where can you find these bolts?

Currently I use card boards to fix this problem..




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Oooh, that's a good invention!

Here's some info



Personally I would prefer for these to be under the scope as I want to still be able to get the mount through the door and not get those contraptions caught on my trousers or something...I can just imagine tripping up on them and being buried by a telescope avalanche!! :D

BTW I know cardboard isn't an elegant solution but I use the stuff too and it's very effective...  :D

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Here you go Emad... lots of different feet, and adjusting knobs + side mount brackets.

Hope you find something amongst this lot.



Make sure you pick the correct size adjuster thread to suit the brackets.

Best regards.


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Hi Emad. The brackets in the pic on your opening post would work, but could introduce a bit of springiness into the mount, I'm thinking that the brackets could flex with the weight, have a close look at the lower pic to see what I mean..............I could be wrong though.

I'd stick with the very lo-tech solution of cardboard, or perhaps bits of hardboard under the existing feet, that way the load is transmitted directly down to the ground, not outwards through a possibly springy bracket.   A small amount of flexing down there, would produce major tremours at the eyepiece.

As already said, I could be wrong.

Regards, Ed.

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Hi Emad. The brackets in the pic on your opening post would work, but could introduce a bit of springiness into the mount, I'm thinking that the brackets could flex with the weight, have a close look at the lower pic to see what I mean..............I could be wrong though.

I'd stick with the very lo-tech solution of cardboard, or perhaps bits of hardboard under the existing feet, that way the load is transmitted directly down to the ground, not outwards through a possibly springy bracket.   A small amount of flexing down there, would produce major tremours at the eyepiece.

As already said, I could be wrong.

Regards, Ed.

The other alternative is to mark the floor and still cardboards.. :D If I could find these locally I'm happy to give them a shot - but it's not exactly crucial to order them from the States or spending much time on making my own.

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Hi Emad,
The knobs are on a different page... see top index bar.
The side mount brackets are on the bottom of the first  link page or directly from the second link.
These brackets are not the same as the ones in your picture and they would need you to glue some small blocks of wood to the bottom of your mount to screw them onto... and they would probably be more rigid. 
The type you pictured are not available, as far as I can tell, in the UK... but here is a link for them directly from America.
they will be quite expensive though, once you add on import duty, VAT and postage.
 Hope this helps.

Best regards. :grin:


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Hi Emad,

The knobs are on a different page... see top index bar.

The side mount brackets are on the bottom of the first  link page or directly from the second link.

These brackets are not the same as the ones in your picture and they would need you to glue some small blocks of wood to the bottom of your mount to screw them onto... and they would probably be more rigid. 

The type you pictured are not available, as far as I can tell, in the UK... but here is a link for them directly from America.


they will be quite expensive though, once you add on import duty, VAT and postage.

 Hope this helps.

Best regards. :grin:



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How about the legs to level kitchen units. Cheap and easy to find. Should screw straight under bottom board. I have same problem, was thinking of making a base about a foot high for the dob base to sit on with 3 holes drilled for the dob feet. Should make viewing more comfortable if you dont use a seat.

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I used levelling feet on my dob base, just using a deep "leg" under the base and a T-nut to take the threaded section of the foot:


The feet screw up and down for levelling and I have a bubble level on the top:



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