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NGC 7822 / Sharpless Sh2-171 in Cepheus


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We've had a couple of clear nights over the past week here in Oxfordshire and I've spent the time getting some data on Sh2-171 in Cepheus.

I've had real trouble with this.  After a[nother] strip down and rebuild of my mount, my guiding has got worse - still working on that - so I've been strict and tossed have the subs.  And then the processing.  Seems a tough target because there is Ha right across the frame but I've found the [OIII] and [sII] to be really faint.

I've tried this in the HST palette but it doesn't really do it for me - the Ha in the background is responsible for the 'orrible brown everywhere.  Ditto the CHFT (which I'm not even bothering to post) and I think I prefer the bicolour version.

Scope: Takahashi FSQ85EDX

Mount: CGEM DX

Camera: Atik 490ex

Guiding: Atik OAG; PHD; IMG0H

Data: Ha - 11 x 1200s; [OIII] - 11 x 1200s [sII] - 9 x 1200s




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Beauty is in the eye and all that so I must say the Hubble is looking like it's nicely on it's way. The yellow / brown is a function of so much Ha and you'll have to keep playing with colours until you do like it.

The blue is just about right for me,


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I agree with others - the Hubble version is very nice indeed - I like it and think you've done well :)  Of course, the Hubble palette is not to everyone's taste and it took me a while to like it but now I'm a keen advocate - I like bright colours and I feel it can bring out data that isn't otherwise seen.

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Thanks for the very nice comments everyone.  I've really struggled with this target for various reasons and was a bit downbeat but as usual SGL comes to the rescue!  I really appreciate the encouragement.

Posting the Hubble version brings out a nasty pink gradient for me in the top right corner so I've reprocessed to see if I can lose that.  Here we go:

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I love the brown colours, very unusual & moody (like Per's recent images).  I plan to try NB images when the clouds clear and your efforts will spur me on.


Thanks Barry.

Yes, do give NB a try.  This was imaged under less than ideal skies and with a moon 70%+ lit.  You just can't do broadband under those consitions.

Cheers, Ian

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