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NGC1499 - California nebula in mono


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I do like this nebula in particular and after imaging it last year I decided to give it another go. I decided to do a 2x2 pane mosaic so that I could fit it all in. I'm hoping to get some OIII to go with it and then we'll see what happens with regards colour!!


M: Avalon Linear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EXM with 3nm Ha filter

55x1800s in total - 27.5 hours of integration time so far.


A full res image can be viewed from here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/ngc1499_ha.jpg

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I reacted to a private preview (hark at me!) rather as Mark did but when you see the full res I think Sara's processing has simply presented the staggering depth of signal she's collected. OK, maybe a little too compressed in the very bright stuff but, then again, this gives a new look to the California and there's something gorgeous about that Alpine snowscape look! So, I see the critical point being made but I also feel refreshed by the new look.

What consistent quality we're seeing!


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Thanks for your comments - @Mark, my monitor is a bit off and doesn't do the bright stuff. Because of this, I always rely on the eye dropper in the curves menu to tell me if stuff is clipped - There's no clipped highlights that I can find running the eye dropped over the bright bits. I don't think I've missed any!!! Is that what you are meaning that you think the highlights are clipped?

Thanks Olly- Interesting that you find it refreshing. I looked at it in comparison to the same image last year and they could be worlds apart. I don't know if that is good or not!

If this is a processing issue and it's been pushed too far I will revisit in a more sympathetic mode!

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Splendid, superb - yes, version 2 is much richer with detail. It looks soft (as in you could jump into that and it would be all fluffy and soft, rather than dissing your focussing!). I guess this shows that our best friend is loads and loads of data...!

Stunning work and I look forward to the next version of this.

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No2 is a cracker. The background looks alive with swirling gas.

Those dust clouds look very good too.

The main Nebula looks like it's got a torch shining through the back of the laptop screen. Lovely,


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