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NGC7380 Wizard nebula - It's bright and I'm not sure about it!


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I have been working on NGC7380 (the Wizard nebula) and did post my Ha data as a finished image. I have since collected OIII and SII but it's just not worked out how I had hoped. It's rather unlike any I have seen on the net, I think largely due to the Ha signal which really is pretty deep indeed. As it stands I've been unable to prevent the Ha drowning out everything else. The orange loop for example around the blue middle of the wizard - excessive Ha!!

I would really welcome your thought and comments on this. I've spent a number of hours on it today, left it and come back to it numerous times, but I still can't pinpoint where it's at. So if you've taken the time to read this, please spend a minute saying what you think about it - It may help me put this one to bed so to speak!


M: Avalon Linear FR

T: Tak FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EXM 3nm Ha, OIII and SII filters

24x1800s Ha

15x1800s OIII

15x1800s SII

Total integration 27 hours.


A full res version can be seen here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/wizard_final.jpg

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I think this is amazing! You really dont have that much more data in Ha than the others. Yes the Ha is the strongest but I think it will still be like that even if you match the others to it. I agree with Olly in saying the orange sections are full of detail and depth. But I disagree with him and think that with the orange region popping so, it makes the blue region feel like its receeding an helps give that central area even more depth and the 3D feel. Its a very lovely contrast there. 27 hrs as really paid off. APOD maybe? :grin:

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First of all I think it's a wonderful image.

Now, I know nothing about narrow band imaging and what I know about normal imaging you could fit on one of the pixels of your camera!

Having said that, I really like the blue central area. I can see what Olly says - kind of - but to me it is receding from the observer and is like a crater within the Ha and the dust lane in the centre is like the craters central mountain peak.

Anyway I think its excellent - very orange - but excellent all the same. Hey, look at my avatar, how could I not like orange! :cat:

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I actually do like the blue region quite a lot! The fact that this is a little different from what you find in the net is precisely what makes it more

interesting in my view.

Concerning "put this one to bed" I'm sure you know quite well that this is hard to do no matter what we tell you, particularly after putting so much work into it as you obviously had...

Anyway, awesome image!

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wow i love it. I can see what is meant by if the blue section but thats what makes it great, you kind of have to stare at it to try and work out whats happening. Thats what makes great photos isnt it, holding interest. In the high res just on the edge of the blue section their is a beautiful pillar that looks like a ghostly enchanted figure drawn to the light, lovely.

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Thanks all - The detail in the orange is pleasing I think, but it is the blue area that's been bothering me. It looks very flat in comparison to the depth of the orange I feel, but there's masses of signal in there and perhaps it is just flat by it's very nature.

Your comments are appreciated, it sort of focuses the mind :smiley:

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I can see what you and Olly mean about the blue - but it's still a stunning image Sara. The thing that impresses me about your images is that they're always beautifully processed in a way which stands out from the crowd - you definitely have your own style! Whatever you're doing and however you're doing it - keep it up . Oh yes .....and congratulations on your success in AN this month.


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Sorry Sara but I can't see anything wrong with that at all!  In fact I think it's really beautiful and excellently processed as usual :)  I really can't see anything that could be improved and if I manage an image like that I shall be delighted :)

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Thanks Steve and Gina - I am pleased that you think I am developing my own style as that's certainly what I was aiming for! That damn blue though, I've tried it more blue, less blue......... and still it leaves me a bit *shuddery*.

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Hi Sara, this is a spectacular image, but if I am going to be picky and I know you would want me to be I would say the areas where the colours naturally merge together are lacking, the blue almost looks added on as a layer painted on top. 

Now I don't know if this is because your Ha data is just too good for it's own good of if the colours have been pushed too hard. I am being very picky here but perhaps an image of this quality should get a little extra consideration.

I would kill for a play with this data to see what I could come up with, I don't think I could ever capture Ha as deep as that from my location. :)

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Sara, to my mind these objects are just the way they are, no more, no less.  I think perhaps we become more concerned with the aesthetics of our images than with the reality they reflect, I know I'm sometimes disappointed with an image simply because it turned out not as I expected, equipment issues and my processing skills aside, the problem is not with the image it's with my own preconceptions.  You have gone for equal subs lengths for each channel with the Ha just having more subs.  Ok, this will make the Ha look smoother but provided all channels have been stretched to the same degree then I reckon you have pretty much captured a fair representation of the subject.  Personally I think it is an excellent image which I appreciate on all sorts of levels, the skill and sheer blumming (ah bless the naughty word filter) minded perseverance it takes to produce something like this is considerable and probably totally lost on many people.  More power to you I say, and keep up the good work.

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@John - Of course I want you to be picky!! And thank you very much for being so. Whether this is through processing and pushing the colour I'm not sure, because boy did it have to be pushed!! Something to work on, thank you very much.

@Mike - I only ever want to produce pretty pictures, so perhaps I am a little naughty with genuine representations at times!!! Thanks for your comments :smiley:

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@Mike - I only ever want to produce pretty pictures, so perhaps I am a little naughty with genuine representations at times!!! Thanks for your comments :smiley:

Sara so do I, these things are beautiful in their own right though it's curious to me that we should find them so.  However my point was that if we massage our images too much we stray too far from reality and are no longer doing astroimaging but have moved into the realm of art and if that is so then at what point should we trade our gear in for brushes and paint?

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Sara so do I, these things are beautiful in their own right though it's curious to me that we should find them so.  However my point was that if we massage our images too much we stray too far from reality and are no longer doing astroimaging but have moved into the realm of art and if that is so then at what point should we trade our gear in for brushes and paint?

On a personal note, I think I have probably already strayed into the realm of art!!! This sort of image would make the purists scream!!! Anyway, I'm bad with brushes and paint!!! :smiley:

Thank Andy - Glad you like it :smiley:

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