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Jup morning of 24th


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Very nice, Freddie. If I ever achieve a Jupter like that I will be very happy!

I'm intrigued by your use of WinJupos for an eight minute capture. Do you get rotation errors in that short time?

Let's hope it is a good season...Jupiter (and her moons) is usually my first target of any session.


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Thanks for the comments guys.

Steve, this is an RGB shot so Winjupos is used to combine the three colour files and takes out the slight misalignment due to rotation between each of the three AVIs. Each AVI was 2min 30sec and the stacking prog (AS!2 for me) takes care of the rotation during the capture.

Neil, this is my second capture of the season as I captured this highly detailed image on 4th Aug !!!!


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Thanks for the comments guys.

Steve, this is an RGB shot so Winjupos is used to combine the three colour files and takes out the slight misalignment due to rotation between each of the three AVIs. Each AVI was 2min 30sec and the stacking prog (AS!2 for me) takes care of the rotation during the capture.

Neil, this is my second capture of the season as I captured this highly detailed image on 4th Aug !!!!

attachicon.gifearly jup.jpg

That must have been real low. Night and day those two

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