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PHD callibration time?


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I have two settings different from yours: calibration step, at 1800, and RA hysteresis at 10. I usually get calibration in around 25 steps with a QHY5L-II and Skywatcher 50mm finder-guider.

You're using the original QHY5?


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Having only just started guiding with one night's experience doing guiding under the stars - last night in fact - my experience was that it took about 35 calibration steps before guiding started. I'm also using the SW 9x50 finder guider and QHY5-II mono camera. I left the settings more or less untouched except for exposure up to 2 seconds.

As a first time user I felt it would have been good had the instructions told me to expect it to spend a long time calibrating.

I also found the PHD software to be a bit flakey initially. It kept freezing and had to be forced to shut down. But after a time it started behaving itself better.

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Hi guys,

My PHD is guiding brilliant, but:

How long does PHD need for your calibration?

Mine easily 50 steps in each direction. Takes ages...

I'm using a 9x50 finder guider with a QHY5.ena2ute7.jpg

These are my settings...


PHD can take up to 5 minutes to calibrate, Try altering your calibration steps and seif it makes a difference but on the other hand if it is guiding well why and save a minute here or there, just let it be.



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Cheers guys! Turning in. Clouds up!

This is the first night I mainly spent inside the house, while my gear is doing its job! Happy. Already dozed a bit on the couch. Have as well done for the first time:

Shot flats while packing gear (iPad screen & APT in Av mode)

Shot BIAS & DARKS with my camera off the scope (still while packing my gear) - now left it on a windowsill in a plastic bag, continuing with darks captures, connected to my comp

Saved all pics on SD card in RAW & L (saves time - will transfer the pics in the morning)

Used "dialogue based" in ASCOM for syncs with stellarium - doesn't work well for some reason in "append on sync" (so I've synced my way from star to star to my object) - syncing with a wireless gamepad is so much easier - but mine gave up on me tonight - needs a better one (bought a cheep type for 15£)

Went inside during PHD callibration (saves nerves)

Did "small" jpg's for framing

Went inside during Lights captures with set alarm on phone and dozed

Overall, a pretty successful night, right before the clouds came in. Didn't waste the evening watching Germany beat Faroer Islands in live stream.

Wonder how the captures are... Sigh... It's a bit like Christmas - presents wrapped on the SD card...

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50 steps sounds a bit excessive. It will give up at 60. Increase the calibration step duration to get nearer 15-20. Other that where you are pointing in the sky, the only thing that will impact calibration(assuming you don't change mount guide rate, scope or cam) is the cal step duration. All the other things don't kick in until you are guiding.

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40 steps E and W for me. Then clears the backlash. Then about 20 for N and S. So all in about 4 - 5 minutes odd....... Its all a bit of a black art to me TBH...!

Also, if I slew to a new object (after stopping PHD of course) and then start PHD again on a new star near the new object, PHD starts guding immediatly again, even though i have "force calibration" selected..... Why is that and does it matter?

Thanks, Steve

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Well, PHD has exhibited this behaviour over three complete OS reinstalls with all applications - it always does that. So I am clueless as to why....

I have the same issue. I have to select camera and mount again, then loop, or it won't calibrate again.

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Hmm on mine "force cal" unticks itself after it's calibrated unless you restart PHD. Otherwise you have to go and re enable it after the first cal routine has completed

That is probably the issue then and sounds like a bug to me. I will try that when we next get a clear night - in two years time at this rate...

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