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Another series for the Brian Cox fans


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Starting 18th September BBC2 9pm "Science Britannica":

Professor Brian Cox explores 350 years of British science, beginning with a look at its darker side and the notion that endeavours in the field can sometimes go too far. Paying particular attention to the nuclear bomb and genetic modification, he attempts to determine whether the groundbreaking discoveries of the nation's scientists are corrupted on occasion.


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That might be worth watching. Hopefully it won't contain too much of BC standing on top of mountains waxing lyrical about the wonders of the universe.

Apparently the first programme begins with him looking at Newton's death-mask, so he's more likely to be standing on the shoulders of giants :)


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There is a darker side to Particle Physics Peer-Review other Sciences? :eek:

Never fear citizens, Batman BC and the BBC will determine what's right. :D

Could be "interesting" or mostly pro-establishment (science) propaganda?

His personal "journey" to elightenment? That Brian Cox is such a tease. :p

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I quite like Brian Cox, well the television Brian Cox anyway as that's the only one I've seen, although I must say I was disappointed with the last "wonders of" series :(. To all the "Nay Sayers" use your right to change channels or even turn the telly off if you're feeling a bit brave ;).

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Not "nay sayers" but ironic / positive critics? :D Often giving praise where praise is genuinely due? :p

The "If you don't like it, don't watch it" argument is never convincing. Brian Cox represents "science" in the popular imagination. We all have a vested interest? I modestly dislike his "Turn over and watch channel 4" (addressed to "stupid" people?) mentality. His "excursions" into religion and politics? But doubtless part of his popular appeal! ;)

Not sure I envy the "younger generation". Patrick Moore was my boyhood (beyond?) hero. But I knew nothing of his... slightly quaint worldview! lol. BUT he never mentioned it on S@N! l will risk suggesting that it's entirely possible to "watch East Enders" (be a "stupid person") and still go out later and be an pukka Astronomer... Hoc Fecit, as they say. :)

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it's entirely possible to "watch East Enders" (be a "stupid person") and still go out later and be an pukka Astronomer...

Like black holes and the Big Bang I find this entirely plausible, yet utterly impossible to imagine :D


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