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Thanks to the Met Office, all I got was this lousy picture.


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I am sick and tired of listening to the Met Office and not listening to my gut instinct. It was predicted to be raining with >20mph winds at the in-laws in Lincolnshire for the whole weekend who we were going to visit as a matter of course. The weather prediction miraculously changed on Saturday morning with them saying it was going to be a bit more settled in the east...the in-laws said that they had the clearest Saturday night since November last year with not a breath of air. This morning was also bright and windless, unbelievable.

Just not going to bother with them any more, I will look at the pressure charts and roll my own dice.

Okay, rant over. I am still pleased to get this at home, especially with one of three street lights shining in my face whilst I am trying to polar align. Need to contact my council I think and ask them to shield the light coming into my garden.

Imaged from my heavily light polluted back garden in Leeds.

Canon 7D + Canon 500mm f/4 L IS @ ISO1600 mounted on an AstroTrac TT320X.

30x 60 Second lights

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That's a great shot.I live in Lincolnshire and checked the weather report on Friday and it predicted a clear night all Saturday from 21:00 and that is what I got.I have found it varies depending which site you goto The two I have found most reliable are weather underground link here


and yahoo weather app(normally pretty good) link here


Maybe these will be more reliable for you.You can actually select the weather station on the weather underground one

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Very nicely done, and in such poor weather conditions too :D... I often take a look at sat24.com, it's not a weather forecasting site, but it shows the last couple of hours worth of satellite images, and you can get a fairly good idea of what the weather is likely to be like for the next few hours from the images.

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I am sick and tired of listening to the Met Office and not listening to my gut instinct. It was predicted to be raining with >20mph winds at the in-laws in Lincolnshire for the whole weekend who we were going to visit as a matter of course. The weather prediction miraculously changed on Saturday morning with them saying it was going to be a bit more settled in the east...the in-laws said that they had the clearest Saturday night since November last year with not a breath of air. This morning was also bright and windless, unbelievable.

Just not going to bother with them any more, I will look at the pressure charts and roll my own dice.

Okay, rant over. I am still pleased to get this at home, especially with one of three street lights shining in my face whilst I am trying to polar align. Need to contact my council I think and ask them to shield the light coming into my garden.

Imaged from my heavily light polluted back garden in Leeds.

Canon 7D + Canon 500mm f/4 L IS @ ISO1600 mounted on an AstroTrac TT320X.

30x 60 Second lights


I am in the same boat as you, 3 ultra bright street lights around the house and to add insult to injury the next door Doctors surgery have now expanded and turned the adjacent house into an extension and the lovely green land into a car park with security lights all around the place, even my bedroom is lit up like no ones buisness. Who on earth gave them planning to do this? My back garden is now lit up like a football ground and no amount of filtering is going to remove that much LP. My sorry effort of the Pacman nebula of the last week is evidence enough, 3 1/2 hours of data with a CCD and the faint nebula is hardly there to be seen. Lovely effort for such short exposure BTW, well done.


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I feel your pain regarding light pollution having once lived in the town centre with car park lights all around the only real answer I found was getting in my cat and going to as dark site. So well done for getting a great shot under poor conditions ;)

cloud cloud go away come again another day

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Not really the fault of the met office, the weather was all over the place yesterday. Where I work we have some of the most advanced prediction tools available and we still ended up suspending aircraft departures on northerly SIDS out of Heathrow when we thought we would not have to. It is just the nature of our island and climate, very changeable, just have to accept it!

Was a great Summer though :laugh:

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Thanks for commenting everyone, I was probably a bit miffed at a missed opportunity. At least it will be fairly easy to improve upon :grin:

I appreciate it isn't an easy task to predict the weather, but I'd prefer it if they wouldn't try to be so precise.

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