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Hello everyone, always had an interest in astronomy, brought up in Liverpool during the early 40's when the one good thing about the war was the 'blackouts'. Even into the mid 50's, with gas street lamps the night sky was easily visible with the naked eye. I joined the Liverpool AS in '65 and the BAA and in 66 became a fellow of the RAS. In 73 I went to Scotland. I had built a 6" Newt which I took with me and used at my Radar station in the Lowther Hills at 2000 feet but even then you could see the deterioration in 'seeing' when you looked across to Glasgow and Edinburgh. I finally moved to Ayr in 77 and became an armchair astronomer. In 2002 I bought a 10" Meade LX GPS and since then have replaced 2 motor boards and two main boards and have finally decided to do my own thing using an Arduino Mega. So far I have written the tracking software but suspect the goto is beyond my capability. The other problem is that being close to the sea clear nights are few and far between even after cloudless days. Best regards andclear skies to all, William.

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