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Wide Angle Canon Fixed lens for widefield AP

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Was going to get a Nifty-Fifty but hesitated before pulling the trigger and thought I would consult the Oracle - i.e. SGL. Maybe a 28mm instead? What would this gibve me over and above the Canon stock 18-55mm zoom?

Thanks, Steve

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Thanks guys, the Zeiss is out of the question at that price regretably :). I want this to mount atop my main imaging scope to do some wide-angle captures at the same time the main CCD imaging rig is running with my modded 450d. I like wideangle shots very much.

EDIT: At its low price the Nifty-Fifty takes some beating it would appear. Delivers a big bang for the buck.

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Checkout the Samyang range.. I can see me getting the 14/2.8 when the skies get a bit darker...

Kev did you have to mention the z-word :)


When you want perfection sometime only the Z word will do ;)

But for us mere mortals the Nikon g 12-24 with novoflex EF adaptor is just about reachable

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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The nifty-fifty is indeed a bargain lens but it suffers from a goodly amount of field curvature in my experiments (but I may have a duff example) whereas somewhat to my surprise the Canon 28mm is much better in this regard although neither lens is 'perfect'! A further advantage of the 28mm, of course, is the wider field of view 43° wide for the 28mm against 25° wide for the 50mm. If you are interested in widefield imaging of, say, the Milky Way, you'd be amazed at how 'narrow' 25° is!

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A review of the later model here...


"What could be written here? To tell you the truth I would recommend even the previous version of the Samyang 2.8/14 without scruple. The improved model, although a bit more expensive, has really much more to offer. It’s enough to say that it definitely surpasses in image sharpness the expensive, professional Nikkor 14-24 mm f/2.8 set at 14 mm and also it corrects most of optical aberrations better than that lens."


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Thanks all. I am buying the Nifty-Fifty for now since I can use it for daytime purposes as well. I have spent enough on pure astro stuff of late and cannot justify another £300 for a "wouldnt it be nice to..." thing I want to do. It is not essential. If I get going at this widefield malarkey I will buy a 14mm later.

Thanks for your thoughts.


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Ever considered an older 28mm or 35mm M42 connection lens?

Whack on a M42 / EOS adapter and you have a fast prime lens without breaking the bank. I have a 28mm, F2, 50mm F1.8, 135M f3.5, 200mm F4.5 and a 300mm F5. The whole lot cost me around £100 I reckon.

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