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OK, about to make a stupid decision...

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Having enjoyed the EQ3/80ED portable kit, I'm feeling the urge for portability but with more power. So I'm thinking, how unreasonable is it selling the SW 80ED and getting a SW 127 Mak....?!

So there...I spoke my mind. BTW, I'd love to have both, but due to the max 3 scopes buffer zone the wife established I'm afraid I can't.

Speaking of which, hands on experience... apart from the narrow FOV, how's the Mak 127 in terms of deep sky objects??

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I had a c5 before my 80mm and it definitely outperformed my refractor but I needed something more portable and the goto had to go. I am used to the portability and the wide views (I like both) but do still hanker after apparture occasionally. I would go for a c6 slightly wider fov bigger apparture and doesn't weigh much more than a 127. second hand you may even get a straight swap for someone who wants to get into imaging

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I would like to point out that this is the first occasion I have ever been liked for a serious post. All my other likes have come from taking the mick. I do hope this isn't the start of a general decline into being a useful member of this community

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Lol enjoy the acclaim while it lasts.

I like my mak127. Set ups a doddle once you get the hang of it. It eats planets and while doesn't do the utmost justice to some of the dso's its still opened my eyes to what's up there :)

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Yeah, I like what I hear about the Mak127 -- I'm not sure the C5 will be my choice considering first the price and second it teeters on the edge of portability.

On second thought guys, I find it hard parting it my 80ED - some times I think this is one scope that I can't imagine selling. Well, many whims here and there anyway. But if only can I find a way to sneak the Mak 127 past the Mrs :D

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I love my little 127 Mak. I've had a huge amount of fun with it, for visual and imaging. It may not do planetary as well as a C9.25 or visual DSO like a big dob or DSO imaging like an ED80, but it can still do them all to the point where it's enjoyable, and it's small and light enough to be able to take all over the place. If we were flying somewhere I might even be tempted to make up a table-top mount from an AZ3 head and take the scope with me in my hand luggage.

I'm sure there must be people who haven't got on with it, but if I had to sell my scopes, the Mak would be one of the last ones to go.


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Surely an 80ED can be hidden in your sock drawer..

my grab and go took a while to get right. It started out as a ST80 on a camera tripod. Then I tried a ST120 on an AZ3, then ST120 on AZ4 then (and now) an Explorer 150p on AZ4. This suits me perfectly as grab and go although it's not exactly carry on.

I am actually considering getting a Mak127 or a C6 for holidays. I'm going to nortfolk in a month and had planned to take the 150p/AZ4. I'm not sure it'll go in the car though. My dad has a Mak127 so if I can't squeeze in the 150p I'll borrow his Mak for a week. It bothers me though that he has (what I would consider) a poor quality diagonal and it's only a 1.25" fitting for EPs.

The 150p is more aperture and wider field of view, so would much prefer to take that to one of the darkest areas of our country.

In truth I'd just as happily leave the wife at home and put my 14" on her seat :D that'd be a fun week!

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I have a three scope rule too (self imposed!) and I think the answer to your question depends on whether or not you are likely to be imaging DSOs. if you are then the Mak is out and I doubt your other scopes would be good for many objects. If you are talking visual and want to retain portability then the Mak would be a good choice. Not sure what eyepieces you have but as the 127 has a 1.25" focuser, let's assume 32mm plossl with 50 degree field. you'd have a max field of just over 1 degree. for me that's OK but it might feel restrictive after the 80mm. personally, I am of the view that the vast majority of objects fit within 1 degree so this seems OK to me but you might miss the opportunity to see things like e.g. the North America Neb and the Veil in full so it depends on how much that matters. you can always use your other frac for that for occasional sojourns to darker sites more locally maybe?

as with everything it's about compromise.

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Yeah, I like what I hear about the Mak127 -- I'm not sure the C5 will be my choice considering first the price and second it teeters on the edge of portability.

On second thought guys, I find it hard parting it my 80ED - some times I think this is one scope that I can't imagine selling. Well, many whims here and there anyway. But if only can I find a way to sneak the Mak 127 past the Mrs :D

Tell her it is an experimental cylinder vacuum cleaner project you are working on :D

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I'm glad I'm not on a limit. I've got 3 scopes already and I'm not planning on selling any, but I am planning on getting more ;). (Ultra-Portable Frac ~60mm F/6 // Larger Dob - 10 or 12", Big Dob - 16" or 18", Large SCT - ~14")

Could you get away with saying the ED80 is a finder?

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Please, do sit, it's far more comfortable :)

I don't think your advice was that far off to be honest. I've been imaging for a good while now and it's taken me a fair bit of effort to get to the point where I have been able to produce that image. Mostly I'm doing it for fun and it's nowhere near the standard of others posting on SGL, but I'd still be rather reluctant to say to someone "Sure, you can do DSO imaging with a 127 Mak, no problem." I guess like many different sorts of telescope, you can use them for things they're not ideal for, and even perhaps make a decent job of it, if you're sufficiently wilful and stubborn :)


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I've owned the 127 and the ED80 and there are definitely arguments for both:



- Maximum aperture in minimal package.

- cheaper


- Small FOV

- Only takes 1.25" eyepieces



- Really nice star images

- Will happily give 200x for planets

- Really wide FOV


- More cumbersome (longer, heavier)

- More expensive

All things considered, in your position I would keep the ED80. It's a really capable scope and I've never found it doesn't deliver what you ask of it. Personally, I really value having a wide field in a G&G scope and spend a lot of time viewing low-power star fields and large objects. That said, the ED80 is rather large for its aperture, and in your position I would probably look at a more compact 80mm APO such as an Equinox.


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i'm sure it could be fitted on top of the C11 as an 80mm finder :D


BTW, the Mak 127 is slightly smaller than the 80ED. and it looks more easily shoved in the drawer. In my case, I have a knack of stripping portability of its purpose. Whenever I'm observing I have many accessories on the 80ED: Altair astro finder + straight through finder (occasionally) + telrad sitting on top of a second dovetail + 2" diagonal + 2" eyepiece...and because of that I end up adding another counterweight which in effect makes it less portable. But I can manage carrying the whole lot from the front room to the garden patio...the problem is maneuvering the door and kitchen cupboards :D

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Tell her it is an experimental cylinder vacuum cleaner project you are working on :D

Trust me, my wife got very used to seeing several bits of kit in the past couple of years. I think she can easily know what's coming and what's going - the other week just asked me if she could see M27...I was M...what?!! :D :D

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I had a 102 Mak for a while, and whilst it was a nice little performer, it didn't really get that much use, the ED80 was just that much better. Ok, the 102 is a smaller scope than the 127.. but the ED80 can be pushed far harder than you might think and still get reasonable results.

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I would like to point out that this is the first occasion I have ever been liked for a serious post. All my other likes have come from taking the mick. I do hope this isn't the start of a general decline into being a useful member of this community

dont worry rowan that wont happen :grin:
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