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I`ve been a member here for quite a while but never ever posted before, prefering to sit on the sidelines and try to pick things up a i go along :insects1:

ok a bit about me, my names Phil, im 47 :icon_jokercolor: and live near Middlesbrough ( up noorth). I`ve only recently got 'into' astronomy, the eclipse in March being the catalist, watching it through a crappy pair of binoculars whetted my appetite.

I now own a star travel 150mm f5 refractor and an 80mm f5 both older versions of the skywatcher brand labeled Helios. I`ve upgraded the rack and pinion focuser with an Antares crayford duel speed one and also bought a new 9x50 finderscope both now fitted to the bigger scope. Because I want to get into the imaging side i have a canon 350 dslr and a phillips spc900 webcam, also a number of meade 4000 EP`s. The mount is an EQ6 and for crimbo I have the skyscan goto upgrade winging its way from Steve at FLO thanks to my lovely wife :embarassed:

Im struggling along trying probably to learn too much too quick but I feel eventually things will click into place especially once we get a run of clear nights when a few local to me hope to get out somewhere dark for an observing session, thats when i`ll really start to learn.

anyhooo thats enough from me for now, thanks for taking the time to read and now get ready to answer all my tinpot questions !!


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