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IC1318 (Butterfly nebula) in mono


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Thank you everyone for your comments.

@Tony - My HEQ5 is totally standard, apart from having to strip it down twice due to excessive backlash, that's all Ive done. I seem to have gone against the grain of every piece of advice I give to others on here saying that the mount is THE most important part of your setup!! Certainly in my case it's undoubtedly the cheapest part of my setup by some considerable margin!! But as it works ......................

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Managed to collect the other pane of this last night and processed it this morning.

The Butterfly nebula, presented here, a combination of 11x1800s in one pane and 9x1800s for the other. Sadly clouds and a power cut really did hamper me last night. I know that there's loads in this area, but I thought I'd settle specifically for the Butterfly. Both taken with the 3nm Ha filter.

Would welcome your thoughts on this one.


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Powercuts and clouds aside, this really is superb - Just don't touch anything on that setup or your guiding settings! I don't know how frequent powercuts are in Spain but have you considered getting a UPS... :rolleyes:

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Thanks very much Andy, Gina and Jonathan.

Thankfully late evening power cuts are few and far between, I don't think I'll panic yet, although it was very frustrating. No more panes Jonathan, I'm off to another target now!!!

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Thanks very much Andy, Gina and Jonathan.

Thankfully late evening power cuts are few and far between, I don't think I'll panic yet, although it was very frustrating. No more panes Jonathan, I'm off to another target now!!!


I agree with Andy, leave the settings where they are though, I'm sure we all would love to see more like this :).

I noticed this on the first pane, but there does appear to be an artefact on the brightest star (roughly middle right), that almost looks like diffraction spikes. I'm sure I've noticed it in some of Olly's images too - although I can't remember the cause. I will have to find the post :).

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I'm hoping to keep putting the 3nm Ha to good use, along with the OIII and SII when they land!

Are you getting the 3nm versions of those Sarah?
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Are you getting the 3nm versions of those Sarah?

Yes, I decided to bite the bullet and as I had the 3nm Ha, thought I's go 3nm all the way.

@Mel - Thanks! The 3nm is a great addition to any shopping list!!!

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Yes, good idea :) I have a 3nm OIII but the others are 5nm. I did some research online and took advice from Astrodon and that seemed the best compromise. I might upgrade later but a 460 will come first.

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Thanks Adrian. Yes I am pleased with this setup, of that there is no doubt. I can't help thinking though that with my little HEQ5 I should be contemplating needing an upgrade, not hoping that it lasts for ever! While the HEQ5 may be touted as the minimum for AP, it's certainly producing the goods for me.

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Thanks Adrian. Yes I am pleased with this setup, of that there is no doubt. I can't help thinking though that with my little HEQ5 I should be contemplating needing an upgrade, not hoping that it lasts for ever! While the HEQ5 may be touted as the minimum for AP, it's certainly producing the goods for me.

If it ain’t broke …….


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