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Sh2-157 (the claw) and the Bubble in colour


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I firstly attacked this target with my 3nm Ha filter and I have to say that I love the detail it pulls out of the sky! So with a forecast of a number of clear nights I thought I'd try a colour version. Collected the data - always the easy part and then processing - Boy was it hard. I think I've reached a place where it's OK, but I think I need to learn that there's just too much red when I add all of the Ha to the red channel.

There looks like a gradient in the top right, but from what I can see it's the Ha data, and it really jumps out on this small version.

Well I like to be heavy handed I suppose, so here it is, Sh2-157 and it's friends!

If there's anything you see that you don't like or you think should be done differently then I'd love to hear it.



T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: Atik 460EX mono with 3nm Ha and Baader RGB filters

9x1800s Ha

26x240s in RGB

Flats used for all filters.


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Great stuff Sara :) Lovely detailled image :) You didn't say how you added the Ha to the RGB - looks like Ha to red and 25% Ha to blue, like I do myself :D

Another one to add to my DSO list, methinks :) Could you tell me the width of your image in arcmins please Sara?

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Thanks all, appreciate you looking and commenting. I've just run it through SCNR to rid the green, but there's still sometihng there - I think perhaps the start of some more nebulosity?

@Gina - My image scale is about 104x130 arc minutes using the 0.73x reducer.


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Thanks all, appreciate you looking and commenting. I've just run it through SCNR to rid the green, but there's still sometihng there - I think perhaps the start of some more nebulosity?

@Gina - My image scale is about 104x130 arc minutes using the 0.73x reducer.


Thank you Sara :) That will fit in nicely with my 200mm lenses widefield then (156 x 114 arc minutes) :)
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Add it to the ever growing list Gina?!!!!!

Absolutely!! :D
Look forward to seeing it - I'll keep an eye out.
Send me some of your nice Spanish weather and I'll see what I can do :D Goodness knows when we're going to get any here - nothing any good in the forecast :(
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That's a superb image Sara! Can you tell us a little about how you combined the Ha with RGB? There are lots of different options around

ranging from creating a synthetic luminance from the all the data to mixing Ha in different proportions into Red and Blue, different blending modes to

keep the size of stars in check etc...


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Thank you - I combined the Ha initially in the red channel at 100% (mistake, should have don eit much less!) in blend mode lighten. Then I also combined my Ha in green and blue but both times at 25% opacity, again blend mode lighten. Then I *think* I also used it as a luminance channel, but probably at about 50% opacity otherwise it all tends to go rather pink.

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Thank you - I combined the Ha initially in the red channel at 100% (mistake, should have don eit much less!) in blend mode lighten. Then I also combined my Ha in green and blue but both times at 25% opacity, again blend mode lighten. Then I *think* I also used it as a luminance channel, but probably at about 50% opacity otherwise it all tends to go rather pink.

I see, thanks!


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I think it's great, Sara. Rarely seen, too.

Regarding adding Ha to red, etc, what I do is add it at 100%, bang wallop, and save that. Then I paste the HaRGB onto the pure RGB that I've just modified and vary the opacity to taste. I can't see any need to apply it in iterations.


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