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Impossible mission..... (M20)


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I would dearly love to be able to get a decent image of this target. As DSO's go it pretty much has it all, reflection, emission, dark nebulosity....

But it is very low from the middle of the UK, and though I raised my pier by 12" the other week, you can see how close it sits to my roof top, as the roof top is in the corner of the image.

Even so I am pleased with what the Atik 460ex OSC managed to do in the circumstances, and in only 25 minutes too :)




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M8 and M20 are certainly very low in this country. I am more fortunate in being almost as far south as you can be on the mainland and also have a clear view to the south except for a large tree in our neighbour's field. LP is worse in this direction and I need an LPF. I covered these last year with my modded and cooled 1100D DSLR and I'm looking forward to having a go with the 314L+. Here's last year's attempt http://stargazerslou...m20-last-night/

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