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Venus Mercury and Jupiter all together tonight


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Lovely view at the mo of these three in a triangle low in the west.

Venus is the brightest at the bottom, Mercury above and to the right and Jupiter to the left. All easy in 10 x 50 bins..



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Just finished watching this trio from Cumbria.

Venus was plain as day as always.

Pointed it out to no astro friends who were pleased to see it.

While still sat in their caravan lounge drinking Corona I spotted Jupiter which they spotted too.

Headed back to our van and immediately spotted Mercury from the elevated vista of our decking. I thought I'd need the bins to pick out mercury in the very bright twilight but is was an easy unaided sight. Having Venus as a guidepost certainly helped.

I tried taking a picture or two but without a tripod to hand it was a wasted of time.

Never mind, such a twilight gathering is certainly a first for me in nearly 40 years of star gazing. :)

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I completely missed this as didn't get home till late after a very long day. Will they be visible tonight too? And what time?

Yes a similar configuration is visible tonight. You need to follow sunset. I think it was about 10.30 when all 3 became visible. Venus will be first followed by Jupiter then mercury. You need a flat clear NW horizon.

Sent from my ZT ICS using Tapatalk HD

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I saw all three last night between 10.10 and 10.40 from my local hill, Sedgley Beacon with my 60x spotting scope. Jupiter and Venus were badly affected with false colours and Mercury also was, as it almost always is, but it was fantastic seeing all three planets. Mercury and Venus weren't visible with the naked eye due to murk on the horizon but they showed up very well with my scope. As Mercury got lower, its false colour turned from orange to almost red. I had only seen Mercury with a telescope once before, so I was naturally very pleased to get a view last night.

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I think tonight is the closest grouping of the Trio for this particular series. Though Jupiter and Venus have their closest conjunction on the 28th. By then Mercury is whizzing away from the brighter pair on its way to elongation in mid June.

I'm sure Mr Jupiter will be feeling very pleased at having this extended season. He'd normally have been considered lost to twilight before now! :)

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I'm back home from Cumbria now and sat in my dressing gown having been out for a good run.

The sky looks very promising but I'd have to drive to the sea front to see anything. Unless I can see far enough round the neighbours garage from the back bedroom window I think I'll miss it.

Back in work at 6.30 tomorrow morning after an 18 day break so I'll not be up late tonight :(

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Just back from an expedition to the back bedroom.

The band of cloud bringing tomorrows rain is now coming up over the horizon here. But at 10.05 Venus was easily visible just above the leading edge of the cloud line. I got the bins out and immediately got a fix on the other two. Before I got an unaided view of Jupiter Venus was being lost to the clouds and by the time I could make out Mercury unaided Jupiter was fading into the clouds.

So I did see all three but not together at once unaided.

I still claim it as a success! :)

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Is mercury the highest planet? I'm assuming by the speed it was going across the sky it is, literally by the time it took to grab my scope it had gone from well above the tree line to almost hidden behind it, managed a very quick look though which is ace, can't see Jupiter or Venus as there's too many trees In the way!

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Yes, Mercury is the highest of the three.

Unhindered by trees you'd have seen The brighter Venus with Jupiter to the left and slightly higher up and Mercury above Venus all three approximately equidistant.

They fit nicely into my 10 x 50 binocular field of view.

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Nice! What camera / exposure?

you had a better sky than me !: http://stargazerslou...n/#entry1945231

Hi It was taken on a Canon SX50 HS f5.6 1/4sec iso 400 hand held and controlled breathing lol location was a place called Mow Cop high up on the staffordshire - cheshire border which gave me un-hindered views across cheshire with even liverpool insight

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Got a good view of the trio just after sunset last night from the hillside above our house. All visible with the naked eye as the sky darkened and fitted nicely into the FOV of my binoculars. Lovely sight.

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