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On rainy/cloudy days what can a non photographer do?

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I want to do things astronomy related, but its been very cloudy here lately and was wondering what I could do that keeps me hopeful for a clear enough day where I can see things myself? I'm not talking clean my scope and whatnot. I don't know what I want, which is why I'm asking here. What can a non pro or photographer do on cloudy days?

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Collimation seems a favourite past time. :grin:

Modding another, flocked your 'scope yet?!

i seem to spend more time here when it's cloudy. :p

And, thinking and planning what I would be looking at if only the clouds would clear for an hour or two!


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It's always best to plan ahead, so get out your sky maps, or study stellarium,

jot down a strategy of what you intend to see, this saves time, and gives

more time to observe, print out some observing logs ready for your next

clear night, keeping a log is worth while as you keep track of your original plan,

plan well ahead two or three nights ahead, you never know, I've had four nights

in a row this week, doing this also helps you with your knowledge of the night sky.

Clear Sky's

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