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Hello from Northwest Indiana


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I am excited to be a part of this community. It seems like a great place. I have always been interested in Outer Space, but just finally got a telescope and EQ mount to help me explore out of this world! I bought a Celestron Astromaster EQ 130 about a month ago, Used it twice since then, but not extensively. Only looked at the moon. I am not so sure how to set the mount up to get it polar aligned. I also bought a eye piece kit to go along with it and a motor drive to drive the RA axis. Hopefully friday i will be able to go to some dark skies and actually use it extensively. Is there a better EQ mount that is along the lines of the CG-5, but without the price. I am excited to be getting into this hobby. I also bought a Celestron Skymaster 15x70 binoculars in case i just want to go out and view the stars. What would the view look like through those? I know they are 15 mm x 70x magnification.

I hope to learn much more than i do already.

Thanks all


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Hi Ryan & welcome to SGL, this http://www.astro-baby.com/simplepolar/simple_polar_alignment.htm is a great tutorial for easy Polar Alignment & this series of tutorials

goes through the complete set up for an EQ mount (its aimed at the EQ6 but is relevant to any EQ mount). As for a mount upgrade the EQ3/2 would make your setup less flimsy at a decent price, for a cheaper way some people even put a sandbag on the tripods tray to help with stability. Good luck with the scope & ask ANY questions you may have as there will always be someone here who can help you out. :smiley:


PS because of the time difference (many of us on this are in the UK) you might not get answers straight away at this time (its 1am here now)

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Hi Ryan welcome to the lounge, that's a good link from Steve for your mount,

your bins are heavy, so for a grab and go set up get yourself a camera tripod for your bins,

try this link, I find it very good and helps you find your way around, http://binocularsky.com/

the skymaster 15x70 bins are a good choice, the link will show you where and what to look for.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Welcome mate.

I went out with a girl from Rochester, Indiana for several years. Nice place Indiana I recall!

Welcome to SGL and to astronomy. I am sure you will love it and we are all here to help - there are many experts here. You may also want to check out cloudynights.com as well which is more US based. Not as helpful as us though you'll find :)

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Hi Ryan & welcome to SGL, this http://www.astro-bab...r_alignment.htm is a great tutorial for easy Polar Alignment & this series of tutorials

goes through the complete set up for an EQ mount (its aimed at the EQ6 but is relevant to any EQ mount). As for a mount upgrade the EQ3/2 would make your setup less flimsy at a decent price, for a cheaper way some people even put a sandbag on the tripods tray to help with stability. Good luck with the scope & ask ANY questions you may have as there will always be someone here who can help you out. :smiley:


PS because of the time difference (many of us on this are in the UK) you might not get answers straight away at this time (its 1am here now)

Thanks for the link, and I have no problem waiting for answers, especially since you all seem like experts already!

Hi Ryan welcome to the lounge, that's a good link from Steve for your mount,

your bins are heavy, so for a grab and go set up get yourself a camera tripod for your bins,

try this link, I find it very good and helps you find your way around, http://binocularsky.com/

the skymaster 15x70 bins are a good choice, the link will show you where and what to look for.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

I have a decent tripod already for my DSLR, that I plan on using. Thanks for the link.

Welcome to SGL, Ryan!

I've got a brother in Granger and a sister in Ft. Wayne. They are Hoosiers now, but I don't hold it against them... :grin:

also, Cubs or White Sox?


Haha, nothing wrong with Hoosiers. Also I am a lifetime White Sox fan who grew up with parents who are Cubs fans. I don't know how that happens.

Thanks to everybody else for the warm welcome.

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Hi Ryan and welcome to SGL, " is there a better EQ mount along the lines of the CG-5, but without the price ? " I think if there was Ryan it would be flavour of the month as they say. Any improvement in quality to such as the Losmandy/ Paramount there is a very substantial increase in outlay :)


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Thanks for the link, and I have no problem waiting for answers, especially since you all seem like experts already!

I have a decent tripod already for my DSLR, that I plan on using. Thanks for the link.

Haha, nothing wrong with Hoosiers. Also I am a lifetime White Sox fan who grew up with parents who are Cubs fans. I don't know how that happens.

Thanks to everybody else for the warm welcome.

Thanks, but I dont think i'll ever be an expert in this hobby, theres always something new to learn & i'll always be asking questions. :grin:
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Hi Ryan and welcome to SGL, " is there a better EQ mount along the lines of the CG-5, but without the price ? " I think if there was Ryan it would be flavour of the month as they say. Any improvement in quality to such as the Losmandy/ Paramount there is a very substantial increase in outlay :)


Are there any ways to make my existing tripod sturdier? I know i can get a tripod to reduce the shaking a little bit. Can I purchase just the Equatorial part of the mount with out a tripod?

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