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Looking for Comet L4/PANSTARRS

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Hi SGL People,

Just wondered if anybody managed to see this comet on Monday night? I went out to the west of Swindon and got very cold trying to find this object, think it might have been too low to view from my location? Hopefully tonight or Wednesday, weather permitting, I will have better luck!

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maybe better tonight, but will stll be low on the horizon. Tomorrow will beeven better if the weather is clear. Watch the sun drop below the horizon, and look for the crescent moon. If you draw a line between the sun and moon, Panstarrs will be just under halfway up that line. Or if you hold your fist up with your thumb up, line up the bottom of the fist with the horizon and Panstarrs will be just about on the tip of your thumb.

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I saw it from NI. See the other PANSTARRS threads for my reports. It was impossible to see without binos and the tail was only visible in ten with adverted vision. There was only a 10 min window from 7pm (when it got dark enough) to 7.10 when it got too low to be seen. It was very very low (about 1.5 to 2 deg above the horizon or only half the height of your fist at arms length. Very challenging all in all especially with the bitter wind.

It was always in a glow - never blue / dark blue part of the sky.

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Been clear skies all day, then at sunset, the clouds came floating in from the north, to the west horizon. -.-

Tried spotting the moon a bit earlier, just when the sun had set (right before the clouds came), but no luck. Even tried looking for it with my 300mm camera lens. Don't have any binoculars though, would probably be easier to spot with.

Should be totally clear skies tomorrow though *fingers crossed*.

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Couldn't find it tonight. A clear strip with great seeing to the west above the horizon but no joy, must be lurking slightly higher in the cloud....grrrr.

mark I think its above a d to the left of the moon, probably about 6 - 7ish mono diameters over approx.

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I saw the comet again this evening. It's still a binocular only object as far as I'm concerned.

In a stroke of luck the skies partially cleared around sunset. In between the gaps I first spotted the slither of the moon (extremely thin!) around 6:50pm. I then returned to my viewing site around 7:20pm and finally found the comet very low in the west at 7:30pm. Yesterday's spotting was at around 7:05pm. Both night's the comet was at the same height above the horizon when I saw it - but the view was better this evening with the slightly darker sky and less haze on the horizon. The tail was more visible this evening (even with direct view) through the binos. Never visible with the naked eye. The window of opportunity for viewing it this evening was only around 5 mins due to clouds blocking out the view. It's surprising how quickly it sets!!

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I managed to see it tonight also, it was spot on with the S&T finder chart from last month to the south and slightly higher than the moon. Couldnt make it out at 19:10 hours naked eye only with my 9x63 binos. Was hoping to catch it naked eye as it got darker but cloud had other ideas

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Finally managed to find the comet earlier tonight, had to use 15x70 binoculars to locate it. Weather does not look great for the next couple of days around here. Could blame Sky at Night people who are going to Barbury Castle tomorrow to do some filming for the next programme. Like BBQ's, plan them and the weathher gods are not on your side!

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