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I have looked at the moon for mamy years with binoculars, but I have now got a nexstar 5se and I wish I had taken up this hobby years ago.

Not much light pollution in the Channel Islands and Iam looking to getting som decent pictures.

I hope to spot d14 tonight

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Hi and welcome to the forum. For those who enjoy observing deep sky objects, the moon can get a bit of a bad rap as it washes out a great number of them when it's approaching it's full phase. Yet the moon itself is so worthy of more scrutiny than seems to be the norm and there is certainly plenty to discover with each phase as it is revealed to us. Patrick Moore's 'Moon Watch' articles will be a section that I will certainly miss from the Sky@Night magazine since his demise and which was very influential in getting me to pay more attention to our nearest celestial neighbour.

Clear skies and enjoy the forum!


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Hi Ecrehous1 and welcome to SGL, I also wanted to see that lump of rocks fly past, yesterday was such a beautiful clear day, I thought this time my luck would hold, as we always miss special events, be it transit Of Venus, Meteor showers etc, its always the same. Come 9.30pm thick fog overhead :mad: enjoy your Astronomy :)


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