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Happier than a pig in.....

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My new (first proper) scope (Explorer 130P) arrived today, and as the title says, I'm happier than a pig in....brown sauce, assuming of course that pigs are happy in brown sauce, and if not, well, I'm even more happier than them. The expected delivery date was this coming Wednesday, so when it arrived it was a very nice surprise. Then I looked at the instructions and felt like a 2 year old looking at latin for the first time. Eventually though I got it all put together and was immediately struck by just how big it is, so much for my idea of storing it behind the sofa. There is just one thing raining on my parade today, and that is this tormentuous blanket of cloud that the country is under, oh well, at least I managed a quick glance at the moon (and was very impressed), and now will spend the night looking out of the window every 10 minutes hoping the cloud has suddenly vanished. Until then, time to load up Stellarium and start getting to know the sky.

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Thanks all for the messages. Still under a thick blanket of cloud, maybe tomorrow, although highly unlikely. So, as I am the impatient type I spent a while with it last night, getting to grips with it all by looking at a street light down the road, and even that blew my mind, seeing the filament, the thread on the bolts, wow! And today managed to get it out for a look at the snow covered Lake District fells (upside down, but hey....). Now just waiting for the skies to clear, because if they don't soon I will be turning it on my neighbours!

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Problem is, bar all of maybe 1 minute we seem to be pretty much the only place in the country that hasn't had any snow. For the time being I'm just going to scan the skies and view whatever I happen to land on, once the skies are clear that is....

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Congrats on your purchase mate. Hope you have a ball with it. I got my first scope (celestron 130eq) a few months back. Hope you don't have the same problem as me, and that is wanting to get something better too soon lol.

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