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First Light


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Hello everybody..

Just come in from the garden having looked through my new Bresser Messier 127L on Mon-2 mount for the first time.

First target Mars.. second Venus.. and third Saturn. I was entranced by Saturn.. such a clear image.. rings and moons so bright.

A fella could really get into this astronomy mularky.

This followed a great sighting last night of the ISS from outside my local pub which prompted the landlord and customers to come out and have a look.

Serendipity and science.. a splendid combination.

Now can I afford a dual axis drive system? So much to look at.. so little cash.

Clear skies

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Welcome Lounging. I've been thinking of getting a 127L but wasn't sure if the Mon 2 was up to the job. How have you found it? I've heard that it can only just handle the 152S - Hugh.


No problems so far.. I don't feel I can give any recommendations yet (too much of a novice).. but I'm happy.


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