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Just ordered a Skywatcher 130p....What must have do I need?

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For a red torch you use an LED rear light for a bike, a small one is sufficient.

If you have a smart phone (andoid) or a tablet, or both, then why not get Stellarium instead of a planesphere, does the same job only better.

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 2

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I would second the recommendation of Stellarium which you can view here, particularly when you are planning ahead as you can advance the date/time facility so you know what is coming up when. Stellarium can be configured to your precise viewing location thereby replicating precisely the sky that you will actually see. One word on the red light/torch question. Although in principle you can use any red light, it is important to ensure that it is is still fairly dim other wise even a bright red light can effect your accrued night vision. Although there are many books detailing the night sky, some of them in my experience are not quite detailed enough to help you find your chosen object, especially when you look though the eyepiece of a reflecting scope and the image is presented upside down AND back to front. One book I would recommend is Turn Left At Orion which you can view here. Not only are there some good written directions but the included visual aids are presented in steps that help take you to your object and the choice of some 100 objects will certainly keep you busy for some time to come.

Clear skies


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For the first two weeks, I'd say you need nothing but time and clear skies to settle in with your new purchase but its entirely your preference. All the suggestions made here have been good ones. Just be sure to take in the sky without pressure of trying to use all the bits and bobs at once. I'd say that one of the key highlights of my 4 short months back in the hobby has been the first light with the scope aimed at Jupiter. What a sight! Hitting it with the red dot and then looking through the lens was all it took to embark on a forgotten hobby in a new and very exciting way.

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they do a spiral version?

wish i;d known that before i bought my copy. I am actually contemplating tearing all the pages out of mine and laminating them and popping it into a ring binder - as i;m sick of the pages getting damp and curling up when i'm having a session.

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they do a spiral version?

wish i;d known that before i bought my copy. I am actually contemplating tearing all the pages out of mine and laminating them and popping it into a ring binder - as i;m sick of the pages getting damp and curling up when i'm having a session.

I have to admit I actually have both now. Here is the spiral version http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/0521153972

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+1 for Left Turn at Orion. I went for the same scope and its pretty good fun as is. If its any help this is my list of things I have subsequently bought, but to start with I wouldn't say you needed any of them :)

Left Turn at Orion

Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas

Revelation Astro x2.5 Barlow

Collimation cap

Cheshire collimator

8mm, 15mm & 25mm BST Explorer/Starguider EPs

Moon filter (it's too bright for me!)

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Thank you everybody for your replies.

I was hoping to have my new toy for New year's Eve when I'd be going round a mate's house. That wasa until I saw that the shop website said they were shut till Jan 2nd. :-(

Such is life. :-)

Any how I've ordered a 2 x barlow thingie, which I'm guessing gives me double magnification when using eye pieces.

I have also bought Stellarium for my Android tablet. I don't really like paying for apps/software but Google Skymaps is a pile of .........

I've also heard mention of collumation. So what do I need, that is simple and not expensive?

I'm guessing that a small telescope won't need lazers for fine tuning as its so short in length.

And, finally, do I need any filters for the moon or in general?

Once again, thany you all for your replies.

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you dont need a moon filter until you've done some observing yourself,some people like them ,others dont use filters on lunar viewing. i never found a problem unfiltered myself , others find it to bright,particulally on a full moon.

as for collimation , id go for a simple collimation tool , like this - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/collimation/cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html.

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You may want to buy or make a dew shield to go over the end of the scope, it will prevent dew from forming on the secondary mirror (the small one). You could also make one for the finder scope which is likely to be the first thing to dew up, using some velcro strip (the self-adhesive kind) and some crafting foam sheet (they sell it in packs usually, about 5mm thick).

I'm guessing you got the 130P on EQ-2 mount, you may want to invest in a small plastic spirit level to help you when setting up (to level the tripod), use a compass to point the mount to magnetic North and that should be good enough for polar alignment.

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For a red torch you use an LED rear light for a bike, a small one is sufficient.

If you have a smart phone (andoid) or a tablet, or both, then why not get Stellarium instead of a planesphere, does the same job only better.

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 2

Smart phones can also download a flashlight app that you can change the color of light. It uses the screen instead of the camera flash...but still useful in lue of buying more equipment.

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I'd really recommend getting a decent battery pack. The Celestron Power Tanks are nice but pricey so I use one from Maplin. You can buy a car cigarette-lighter to scope power plug lead from 'Scope suppliers, or make one yourself if you are handy with a soldering iron. The unit I've got gives 2x 12V out, USB power socket and a 150W invertor. It also has a built in LED torch, handy for checking you've not left anything behind when packing up at your dark sites :) Cost about 40 quid, money well spent compared to D-Cells.

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I have also bought Stellarium for my Android tablet. I don't really like paying for apps/software but Google Skymaps is a pile of .........

How's Stellarium? I'm thinking of getting an android tablet instead of an iPad but only if there's a decent app...

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