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Another new member and telescope owner


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Hi Darren. I got exactly the same for Christmas. I have been lucky enought to have seen the moon and Jupiter on Christmas night. Wait until you see these. They will blow you away; especially Jupiter and some extra things you will see...

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Thanks all. Did manage to see the moon last night but too much cloud to do the 3-star alignment. Spent some time today adjusting the red dot finder so it was aligned properly, it was quite a way out. Have wanted a telescope since I was a kid, I'm now 46 so I've been very patient! Spent an age deciding which one I wanted to get. Now have to trey and get my head around the subject of eyepieces, plossi's, barlow's etc.

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Welcome Darren,

Great place to start learning the arts and don't be afraid to ask the odd daft question - believe me I have and everyones still humouring me ;)

The destruction books are infamously bad, usually poorly written, often unnecessarily complicated and sometimes just plain wrong - if you get stuck there are plenty of owners here to get you on the right track.

Good luck and clear skies!

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