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Evening all,

My name's Carl, and I'm from the wonderful county from Somerset. I'm a newbie here and just wanted to say "Hello". So Hello :) I'm totally new to astronomy and literally know nothing about the subject (I can find the North Star using the Plough, but thats it!).

I've been reading this forum for a while now and have decided to come out of the shadow and say Hi as the more I read about astronomy the more interesting it becomes. I'm looking to buy my first telescope in the next few days, so the exciting start to my new hobby begins here!

Cheers :)


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"Hello" to you too Carl! Welcome, I'm also new to the world of astronomy and it just gets more and MORE interesting the more you read/see.

If you were after advice about what telescope would be best I'd suggest letting the very helpful people on here know the budget you have in mind. I recently asked for advice on telescopes for a budget of £130 (wish it had been more) but was very happy with the advice and went for a SkyWatcher Skyhawk 1145P.

Ask anything on here and you'll get a LOAD of really good answers.

Welcome and good luck with the telescope search.


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Hi Carl and welcome to the forum. Plenty of people of members here from your part of the world so you're in good company! Plenty of experience and knowledge for you tap into so don't hesitate to ask those questions. My only advice regarding buying an astro kit is to take your time and do the research as there's no real need to rush. "....the stars aren't going anywhere". Work out what you want to look at (if you're like me that means everything! :grin: ) and then decide a budget. All the specification that you will read about in astro mags and the internet won't mean a thing unless you can establish your own bench mark of what will best meet your expectations. The most practical way of doing this is to attend a couple of public outreach events to get your 'eye in' on a few scopes to see what impresses you most. Whilst you're observing through this kit, please make a note of the eyepieces that you are looking through as they can sometimes make a difference to the view as well. Keep those questions firing in!

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum


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Hi Carl and welcome to SGL, if you have found the Pole star by using the Plough, you have already stepped onto the Astronomical road, where it will lead, who knows. To continue your endeavours I would suggest obtaining a pair of modest binoculars and using the free program such as Stellarium, to help guide you about the night sky. As James has recommended, take your time and assimilate as much information as you can, before making any decission to buy a telescope :)


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Welcome to SGL, Carl.

Whereabouts in Somerset are you?


Hi James, I'm from Yeovil. Pretty much sat on the border of Somerset/Dorset. It's not a bad place to be, a reasonably sized town but there are lots of dark fields around :grin:

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Hi James, I'm from Yeovil. Pretty much sat on the border of Somerset/Dorset. It's not a bad place to be, a reasonably sized town but there are lots of dark fields around :grin:

Ah. other end of the county from me then, though I think there are a few SGL members out that way.


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