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CCD camera and Control recommendations


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I am new on this site . I have a home made observatory with a LX-200 GPS 12" polar mounted with a William Optics Zenithstar II ED80 piggybacked on it. I have a nikon d5100 as my main imaging camera and guided with an orion starshoot color dsi V1 or sxv-M7 from SX. I have thesky 6 pro and starry night pro 6 as well as a temporary maxim dl pro 5. I like the observatory control i have in maxim but it doesnt handle nikon files well... at all. it guides will and everything though so i like it for that but I am considering moving to imagesplus 5 for camera control and processing because now i only use DSS and it for me is sometimes unreliable... any nikon users out there want to give me some pointers or opinions? Also, what planetarium program do most of you use? I have only tried thesky 6 and it can be buggy at times.

Thanks and hope to post more in the future :)






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Hi and welcome!

I am quite inexperienced but I do have the same camera as you.

I have no problems using DSS in conjunction with my Nikon D5100. I don't have a camera control software yet, but I plan on using NKRemote if no better program pops up now that there are rumours about a Backyard Nikon program. A friend in my club is helping me solder a shutter release cable for RS232 later...

Have you tried stellarium by any chance? It seems to be able to do quite much, and I like the UI.

Nice pictures you got also. Hope to see more!

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Welcome to the forum Josh.

Another thumbs up here for Carte du Ciel - there's loads of features in it and it can take a little bit of time to get it set up and find your way around it, but it looks from your post and images that you have plenty of experience behind you so you shouldn't have any problems.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone! long time no see! Imaging has been horrible here this winter so I am very upset to say I only have one new image and its of M31. I got a WO ZS2 ed80 and the field curvature is horrible so I am getting a TV .8 FF/FR. Its a huge investment but I've heard its worth it. Plus I heard it has great results on SCT ;) TWO FOR ONE! This is the center 30% crop of my M31. Had a green gradient that was hard to get rid of and it was using my untrained ability in imagesplus5 so here it is :)


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