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BST Reviews Please!


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I am very keen to know more about the BST eyepieces as sold by Sky's the Limit. It seems that ED glass is used in them, so they should be good I think. I'm interested in both 1.25" and 2". So, if you have experience of any of them, how about writing a review? We would all greatly appreciate it. It would also be useful to know if they are parfocal.

Thanks in advance.

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I don't know if there are 2" versions. I can't recall seeing any for sale.

If you use the search facility (top right of the page) you will find loads of reports on the BST Explorers on this forum and the majority of them are positive.

The same eyepiece is sold under a number of brand names around the world. The ones sold in the UK seem, a little unusually, to cost less than other versions sold elsewhere.

This useful web page on eyepieces is authored by Robin WIlkey who is a member here. It includes information about the BST Explorer eyepieces:


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Just 1.25",

As to a review people have them, people like them, SGL has several posts about them.

A review may not help, people buy "good" eyepieces and use them then find that the eyepiece just does not suit, nothing you can do about that.

Person here is looking to replace 2 eyepieces, both costing more then BST's and both are loked by people. Tthe reason is they do not get on with the 2 they have.

Get one and review it if you really want, as in "You review it".

One measure: Alan at StL sells out of various ones at intervals, so they are being bought. Not many for sale on the used market, so it seems they are being kept and not sold on.

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I had the 5, 8, 12 and 15mm BST's they all gave good views except the 5mm which I think was pushing the mag just that bit too much on my scope, although when the odd occasion seeing allowed - the views were as crisp as the others. If i had to pick a favourite one, it would be the 8mm, last years Saturn views were fantastic. I only sold mine as I liked the wider views through a mate's Nirvana /UWANs

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They do do 2 inch versions. There are 2, 100 degree eyepieces costing £199 each. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2569a21ad8 16mm and they do a 9mm.

I think the only thing those have in common with the 1.25" BST Explorers is the branding BST. Otherwise a very different eyepiece but again one sold under many brands worldwide.

I don't actually think the BST brand name means anything at all. From looking at the manufacturers website (or one of the manufacturers anyway) you can have anything you like printed on them if you order enough of them !.

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I am very keen to know more about the BST eyepieces as sold by Sky's the Limit. It seems that ED glass is used in them, so they should be good I think. I'm interested in both 1.25" and 2". So, if you have experience of any of them, how about writing a review? We would all greatly appreciate it. It would also be useful to know if they are parfocal.

Thanks in advance.

The BST/Starguider EPs are a 1.25" lineup. The 2" EPs oferered by STL are something else altogether.

In my experience, the BST/Starguider 12-18mm EPs are superb. They offer near plossl clarity with a bit more FOV, a more consistent eye relief and superb build quality. The large objective makes them dead easy to view through, as does the eyeball friendly twist up eye cup. They're not far off being parfocal too, which makes swapping from one to the other easier.

Most of that holds true for the other focal lengths, but I found the 25mm suffered more from astigmatism on the outer 25% of it's field of view. Fair play to a cheap EP in an F5 reflector, but with the 18mm, it was more like 10% - It was a big jump and I prefered the view through a £20 SW 25mm Plossl. Likewise, the 8mm was decent, but I prefered the edge to edge sharpness of the TMB 'designed' planetary, also available from STL. There was little to separate them, but the slightly narrower FOV of the TMB 'designed' EP, was sharper across the view offered. The 5mm BST may have suffered from pushing the magnifiaction and therefore the resolution of the scope further, but I generally found I prefered the view through the 8mm TMB.

The point I feel worth making here, is that that with budget EPs, you can be giving up a lot for a few extra degrees of FOV. I trained the 25mm BST and a 25mm SW Plossl on a distant roof and gained little more than half a roof tile in the FOV, but the SW Plossl was MUCH sharper edge to edge. I've lost faint fuzzies in the edge of field atigmatism of budget EPs, which means the longer focal lengths aren't much more use than a cheap Plossl. Yes, you get an ever so slightly bigger FOV, but if you don't get the object in the sharp centre of FOV in the first place, you may not see it at all.

I love the BSTs, but be aware that they, like any range, have a sweet spot of performance and it isn't the ones at the extremes of the product range.


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Thanks Guys,

The message I get is that you get what you pay for, Russel's message says lot regarding edge to edge sharpness limits. Interesting that a cheap SW 25mm Plossl may give a better view. Ita an absolute minefield out there with the wide choice. I'm kind of getting the feeling its best to stick known good names that cost more, but deliver the goods. I rather like William Optics and Hyperion, but then I have limited experience of others. I certainly can't afford Televue!


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I own the full set, i have planned to review them in f15 and an f6 scopes the skies and work are just not letting me get this done, also i dont think i will be keeping the f6 frac so the review may not take place, i really like the 25mm and the 18mm is nearly a match for my 18mm BGO, they are excellent value for money, matching ep`s that cost a huge amount more, i would suggest buying the one that is best for your needs, then if you dont get on with it you sell it and only lose a small amount

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Well, they are supposed to be similar in performance to the "TMB" designed. All I can say is, in an 8inch f/5 reflector, a 4.33 cassegrain and a 12 inch f/5.4 reflector, an 8mm TMB designed gives crisp, beautiful views of the planets, stars, and the ring nebula. I know it isn't BST specific, but in theory, BSTs should give very crisp views across the large part of the field view.

I would be happy if I had a set of any of the three ED makes that Skys the limit sell. I am leaning towards TMB ones, as they are £10 cheaper. 2 degrees difference in field of view, but many more high power options than BST.

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...2 degrees difference in field of view, but many more high power options than BST.
I wouldn't bother too much about the FOV, as I think the 60deg quoted, should have 'ish' on the end. Someone on CN calculated the FOV of (I think) the 12mm and it was more like 57deg. Certainly, my 25mm didn't seem a whole 8deg wider than a 25mm SW Plossl.

It would be interesting to know how exact some of the quoted FOVs are from different lineups, as a certain amount of rounding must go on - A bit like some of the1000cc bikes I owned. IIRC, the largest was 1002cc, the smallest 959cc, but you would still call them a litre bike.


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....It would be interesting to know how exact some of the quoted FOVs are from different lineups, as a certain amount of rounding must go on ......

I think there is quite a lot of variation between manufacturers specs and the actual figure from the reviews I've read of various eyepieces where they have independently measured the field of view.

In a few cases the field of view is actually larger than claimed. In most it's either the same or a little smaller though. As you say, rounding goes on here and there :rolleyes2:

I'm not sure focal lengths are that accurate all the time either !

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I own the 8mm and the 18mm. The 8mm is my main planetary ep and performs very well indeed, providing crisp views of the planets, well Saturn and Jupiter. Did try on Mars a while ago but its position was not great, so this was not a great test. The apparent 60 degree field (or just under) is very comfortable for me to use too. It barlows well on clear night when conditions permit. I think this ep will be with me for many years.

I have owned the 18mm for over a year and have only used it once, so don't really feel eligible to offer a review of it. I suppose most people have ep's in their collection that don't get the use they deserve. Mine are the 18mm BST and my Vixen npl 15mm. If and when I sell one, it will be the Vixen first.

A final point, the BST's seem very well made and solidly built, and the twist up eye-cups are smooth and a pleasure to use and the hard knurled rubber covering them just adds to the feel of quality. Was looking at the 5mm but have heard mixed reviews of it.

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I own the full set, i have planned to review them in f15 and an f6 scopes the skies and work are just not letting me get this done, also i dont think i will be keeping the f6 frac so the review may not take place, i really like the 25mm and the 18mm is nearly a match for my 18mm BGO, they are excellent value for money, matching ep`s that cost a huge amount more, i would suggest buying the one that is best for your needs, then if you dont get on with it you sell it and only lose a small amount

If you fancy doing a comparison with BST's and X-Cel I up for it Jules.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

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