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Hello... I've just spent a fortune!


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Wow... thanks to all for the warm welcome! Also thanks for the advice to stay patient (not a strong suit of mine!!).

Looking forward to darker evenings and clear skies and following nytecam's advice on marking up the patio... good call.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.... SLOOOOOOOOWLY getting the hang of it.... and loving it. Last Saturday was a bit of a special moment, looking at the full moon in all its glory. As I have yet to spend even more o a good camera set up to go with my scope (suggestions welcome for about a £500-£600 budget would be most welcome!) I used my Samsung Galaxy S3 to grab a quick snap down the eyepiece... obviously its not up to the awesome standards on here but it gave me massive satisfaction to do this with a camera phone (lunar filter colours it blue of course)... thought I'd post it as I am so excited by it!

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